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Nowadays we need learn a foreign language if we want to asumme a good job.

When we study other languages diferrents our native language we gain diferent
advatages: for example:
Our mind will be much developed
Will get better atencion
We will can communicate with foreing people
I think that there are not disvantages if we learn another languaages but, we will
need time and money , because if you eant to travel another country you will
need them.
Araund the world there are approximately 6000 languages, but there are other
ways of communications. The body language is used by phicologist and
therapist to diagnots some behavior. Another way of communications could be
the sign language. This is used by the deaf people. If you are going to study this
language you need to pass exams like a Englis, german, and another
The usual way to trasnkiit a message is by the oral communication, but thanks
to new techonologies we can trasnmitit by another ways. For example we can
communicate talking by mobil phones, in the mobilephone also with instant
mesaages and by intenet social network
I am a bilingual person as most in Basque Country but normally I sepak in
Spanish. I school and high school all the subject were in Basquish except
English an Spanish subjects of course. So, a I studied English at scholl and HiG
school. At the university also study English but in Egingeneering area. In septe I
started certificaying my English Level at languages school in ordizia.
Two years aago, I carried out a 20 hours German course at University. I think
that german Language its a beautiful language but a very very difficult.
Although I dont discard continue stufiying this language

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