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7-8 shrimp, the chili 5 pieces.

350 grams mushrooms, soya sauce (fish sauce) 3 tbsp.

1 lemon 2 tablespoons of the chili paste.
7-8 kaffir lime leaves, lemon juice 4 tbsp.
5 cups chicken broth 2 parsley plants.

How to do it.
1. Clean the shrimp and mushrooms. Shrimp shell casing. The black line is cut of
f. The mushrooms are cut into 4 parts.
2. Lemongrass, kaffir lime leaves, coriander, pepper and fresh water to wash tho
roughly. Drain and cut and shredded kaffir lime leaves, lemon grass, around the
middle of the leaves. I'm pepper, cut into pieces. Cut celery into the rough.
Layla Alderan: 3. Turn the stove on medium-high heat. Bring the soup pot. Wait u
ntil it boils down to the grass and kaffir lime leaves. Simmer about 5 minutes.
Layla Alderan: 4. Add the mushrooms and shrimp into it. Wait about 2-3 minutes t
o boil off the stove.
Layla Alderan is typing ...
Layla Alderan: 5. Seasoned with various ingredients are soy (sauce), lime juice,
chili paste and pepper to taste like the gilding to break them up.
6. Spoon shrimp soup bowl. Then, it was serving.

7-8 5
350 () 3
1 2
7-8 4
2 5

1. 4

Layla Alderan: 3.

Layla Alderan: 4. 2-3

Layla Alderan: 5. ()

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