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Info: The max number of VTY users is 5, and the number

of current VTY users on line is 1.

<HW-APJII_Cyber_Lt.1(165_125.19)>dis cu
!Software Version V100R005C01SPC100
sysname HW-APJII_Cyber_Lt.1(165_125.19)
info-center snmp channel 0
vlan batch 27 88 to 89 97 105 122 177 to 178 422 465 814 860
vlan batch 900 936 939 2011 to 2012 2025 2090 2105 to 2106 2112 2120 2132
vlan batch 2138 2143 3004 3006 3032 3161 3215 3225 3270 3304
vlan batch 3310 3313 4051 4083
cluster enable
ntdp enable
ntdp hop 16
ndp enable
dhcp enable
undo http server enable
authentication-scheme default
authorization-scheme default
accounting-scheme default
domain default
domain default_admin
local-user engineer password cipher Y"W7D>;$94ZAWB\KT"W\0A!!
local-user engineer privilege level 15
undo local-user admin
interface Vlanif1
ip address dhcp-alloc
interface Vlanif27
description XL_VLAN_DR_XL
interface Vlanif88
description vbi
interface Vlanif89
description Testing_Interlink
interface Vlanif97
description engineer
interface Vlanif105
description management
ip address
interface Vlanif122
description AP-busway
interface Vlanif177
interface Vlanif178
interface Vlanif465

description JakrtaFGD
ip address
interface Vlanif814
description TEST_UNDP_Fibernet
ip address
interface Vlanif900
description Remote-rudy
ip address
interface Vlanif936
description Imigrasi_Via Gastra
interface Vlanif939
description Pusri_FO
ip address
interface Vlanif2011
interface Vlanif2012
ip address
interface Vlanif2025
description Gamatekno_to_BankDKI
interface Vlanif2090
description XL
ip address
interface Vlanif2105
description XL_3G_Wifi
interface Vlanif2106
description XL-spot2
interface Vlanif2112
description CNI_to_DM_VPN
ip address
interface Vlanif2120
description CNI-VSAT
interface Vlanif2132
description .:ANGLO_VPN:.
ip address
interface Vlanif2138
description BSM-Backup
ip address
interface Vlanif2143
description link to infokom
ip address
interface Vlanif3032
description to_Interlink_GranLucky
ip address
interface Vlanif3161

description XL_VLAN_DR_XL_1
interface Vlanif3215
description PT_Jabhika_Kemenhub
interface Vlanif3270
interface Vlanif3310
interface Vlanif3313
interface Vlanif4051
description test-inet
interface Vlanif4083
description .:IIX APJII:.
interface Ethernet0/0/1
description to-mikrotik-ether1
port link-type trunk
port trunk allow-pass vlan 105 465 3004 3225 3270 3304 3310 3313
ntdp enable
ndp enable
bpdu enable
interface Ethernet0/0/2
description CNI_to_DM_VPN-LSN
port link-type access
port default vlan 2112
ntdp enable
ndp enable
bpdu enable
interface Ethernet0/0/3
description to-Smartfren_Huahuan
port link-type access
port default vlan 900
ntdp enable
ndp enable
bpdu enable
interface Ethernet0/0/4
port link-type access
port default vlan 900
ntdp enable
ndp enable
bpdu enable
interface Ethernet0/0/5
description to_Jabikha
port link-type access
port default vlan 3215
ntdp enable
ndp enable
bpdu enable
interface Ethernet0/0/6
description Interkoneksi_KTI_Sunvone
port link-type trunk
port trunk allow-pass vlan 177

ntdp enable
ndp enable
bpdu enable
interface Ethernet0/0/7
description to-Interlink-GranLucky
port link-type access
port default vlan 3032
ntdp enable
ndp enable
bpdu enable
interface Ethernet0/0/8
description to-CNI
port link-type access
port default vlan 2120
ntdp enable
ndp enable
bpdu enable
interface Ethernet0/0/9
description InetGlobalindo ( Gamatekno )
port link-type trunk
port trunk allow-pass vlan 2011 to 2012
ntdp enable
ndp enable
bpdu enable
interface Ethernet0/0/10
description Link-to-Gastra
port link-type trunk
undo port trunk allow-pass vlan 1
port trunk allow-pass vlan 422 860 936 939
ntdp enable
ndp enable
bpdu enable
interface Ethernet0/0/11
description .:ANGLO-VPN-PSN:.
port link-type access
port default vlan 2132
ntdp enable
ndp enable
bpdu enable
interface Ethernet0/0/12
description BSM_BackUp
port link-type access
port default vlan 2138
ntdp enable
ndp enable
bpdu enable
interface Ethernet0/0/13
description Interkoneksi_Fibernet
port link-type trunk
port trunk allow-pass vlan 814
ntdp enable
ndp enable
bpdu enable

interface Ethernet0/0/14
description Link to Infokom
port link-type access
port default vlan 2143
ntdp enable
ndp enable
bpdu enable
interface Ethernet0/0/15
ntdp enable
ndp enable
bpdu enable
interface Ethernet0/0/16
ntdp enable
ndp enable
bpdu enable
interface Ethernet0/0/17
ntdp enable
ndp enable
bpdu enable
interface Ethernet0/0/18
ntdp enable
ndp enable
bpdu enable
interface Ethernet0/0/19
ntdp enable
ndp enable
bpdu enable
interface Ethernet0/0/20
ntdp enable
ndp enable
bpdu enable
interface Ethernet0/0/21
ntdp enable
ndp enable
bpdu enable
interface Ethernet0/0/22
ntdp enable
ndp enable
bpdu enable
interface Ethernet0/0/23
ntdp enable
ndp enable
bpdu enable
interface Ethernet0/0/24
port link-type access
port default vlan 97
ntdp enable
ndp enable
bpdu enable

interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1
description DHCP-from-Mikrotik-ether3
port link-type trunk
port trunk allow-pass vlan 88 178 422 814 936 939 3006
ntdp enable
ndp enable
bpdu enable
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/2
description TO-8624Cyber-Rack165
port link-type trunk
port trunk allow-pass vlan 27 88 97 105 122 177 465 814 900 2011 to 2012
port trunk allow-pass vlan 2022 to 2023 2025 2090 2105 to 2106 2112 2118 2120 2
132 2138 2143
port trunk allow-pass vlan 3004 3006 3032 3161 3215 3225 3270 3304 3310 3313
port trunk allow-pass vlan 4051 4083
ntdp enable
ndp enable
bpdu enable
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/3
description To IIX APJII
port link-type access
port default vlan 4083
ntdp enable
ndp enable
bpdu enable
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/4
ntdp enable
ndp enable
bpdu enable
interface NULL0
snmp-agent local-engineid 000007DB7F00000100005B29
snmp-agent community read wifo
snmp-agent community read mwifo
snmp-agent community read SolNET
snmp-agent sys-info version all
snmp-agent trap enable basetrap
snmp-agent inform resend-times 1
snmp-agent trap enable
user-interface con 0
authentication-mode aaa
idle-timeout 0 0
user-interface vty 0 4
authentication-mode aaa

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