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EDIAGRAPHY + #3 ERASMUS+ YOUTH EXCHANGE DATES: 8" April - 15" April 2016 LOCATION: lasi, Romania AGE: 17+ 4+1 Participants/COUNTRY: Czech Republic, Greece, Poland, Romania ssynergy omania / BRNO _ \ CONNECTED Einoredfoure CONTEXT OF THE LEARNING EVENT "Mediagraphy+" has it basis on the on-going raise and importance of self branding and digital skills in the modern society, while the youth unemployment is at rising stakes. The project efficiently combines the two aspects in learning self-branding exchanges, while developing practical skills that employers or entrepreneurial paths are looking after, through involving youth directly as media creators. Youth represent a quarter of the world’s workforce, but on the other hand they also represent half of the unemployed population all over the world. IBREAK THE COUCH OVERALL FOCUS OF MEDIAGRAPHY + use media to express yourselves; e selfbrand through online media, such as Facebook, Linkedin, blogs, websites, articles, photos, videos, creative CVs, open resources; make media themselves - photo, video, social media, creative designs, blogging; © possibility of playing with quality design; promoting your values/qualities on the labour market; e intercultural learning and personal development; W communication, cooperation and leadership skills. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Se The background of participants is youth that are not employed and are willing to develop in order to get hired or that are still under construction of their personal branding and identity. STRUCTURE OF 3KD YOUTH EXCHANGE - PHOTO & VIDEO Intro, getting to know each other, identity the needs a a a and visions, photography as a tool of learning AY Tehnicals + workshops on photo and video, using other devices such as tripods, screens, gadgets, setting personal goals and visions © DAY3 Working with photo - activities on the way, study visit in lasi and photo-quest Photo analysis evening © DAYS Working with video - team assignment and step-by-step tutorials for improving the techniques Video projections evening AY 5, DAY 6, DAYT Production days, working on own campaigns of self branding using photo or video, feedback & improving content and results + intercultural evenings; o DAYS Showcase of results, follow-up and dissemination, presenting the plans of each participant for the future. LEARNING EVENT CONTENT e abilities on photography/video-making; @ how to work with camera settings; © competences on framing - how to work with perspectives; macro and tele photography in learning activities; creating video for promotion; competences on handling tripods, screens, gadgets; designing an online campaign for getting employed; communication and leadership skills; intercultural evenings and discovering lasi & Romania. DELEVERY STYLE J Methodology used is a combined form of "learning by experience" as a form of learning from experiencing different activities and putting them into practice, "learning to play, playing to learn" connected with learning from games, from actions and _ playful environment and "media practices" a method Synergy developed in having youth as media creators. METHODS USED IN THE LEARNTIVG EVENT © group processes; teamwork activities; . e lectures and facilitated processes; Nu © group simulations & demonstration tutorials; e dynamic workshops; e online work and assignments; e intercultural sharings and learning;; © learning by doing in group or individual processes; FACTLETATORS: GEORGE ADRIAN OPREA George Adrian Oprea is a professional trainer working with youth and adults for over 6 years. His experience as entrepreneur, trainer in media education, project manager in 2 NGOs, facilitator in adult teambuildings with over 700 participants/year has generated know-how in advertising, advanced marketing and contouring brands. TEAM He will be supported for several parts of the exchanges by 2 more facilitators from Romania and the group leaders of every country participanting. Together, they will create the program based on your needs & expectations. If you have in mind any practical case or you have know-how in media and branding and you are willing to deliver an activity in front of the group write us. FOLLOW-UP: The purpose of the youth exchange is to improve your image and self-branding in order to get hired or self-employed. Another option is to join the next projects either as group leader or as participant: Ask your country representative for more details. WHERE: You will be hosted in lasi, a very beautiful cultural, university and social city, in north-east of Romania. Having the first university in the country, lasi is well known for its tradition of excellence and innovation in the fields of education and research. Nevertheless, the city never sleeps because of its intense social life and youth enthusiasm, proving a fertile ground for initiative and personal development as our exchanges. THE MEETING POINT: At the Hostel accommodation ARRIVAL TH OF APRIL DEPARTURE ISTH OF APRIL Please arrive between 14:00-20:00 and leave after 14:00 PM. If you are really lost, you can call our team at 00 40 744681006. HOW 10 GET THERE? Airports with the best connections are located in lasi, Bacau, Cluj or Bucharest. There are buses that make the connection between airports and train stations. BYBUS AND TRAIN You can look at the schedule and check the proces of trains at the following address: http://www. or for buses you can use http://www. Attention bus/train schedules are subject to change! COSTS Accommodation, food and the program itself are paid from the grant gained from European Union and the program “Erasmus+”. There is a participation fee of 30 euros/participant. For travel see below. Travel reimbursment will be maximum 170 euros/participant. We ask you to keep & bring all your tickets, invoices, boarding pass and receipts (originals), in order for us to be able to reimburse you. - by plane: bring the ticket, the invoice, boarding pass and receipt; - by train: bring the ticket; - by bus: bring the ticket, invoice and receipt; Again, when you buy your ticket, please ask for invoice - this will e e guarantee your reimbursement.The reimbursement will be after the exchange by bank transfer (one per country). PRACTICALS - WHAT 10 BRING! e Casual, warm and sport clothes for outdoor & indoor (clothes for indoor, sunny, rainy weather) e Small Backpack (not necessary, but very practical for the outdoor production) + Towel e Comfortable walking shoes © Medicines + Insurance Passport or/and other official identification © Any “stuff” for intercultural evenings PERSONAL EQUIPMENT It is essential that you bring with you personal equipment. We will only provide the basic equipment, so the effectiveness of your personal learning and the exchange itself can be increased if you work with tools you already know and have. Therefore, bring with you: © Video and photo camera if you have (as professional as 0 possible, preferably DSLR) e Memory storage (or external hard drive) Laptop and editing software if you have © Cables, chargers, card-readers you need MEDICINES, ALLERGIES AND DIET s Ifyou have any illnesses, physical limitations and/or use medicine, we need to know about, please tell us so. If you are a vegetarian, or have a special diet, let us know, e indicating what you cannot or do not want to eat, and what you CAN eat, so that we can arrange suitable food. WEATHER The middle of April in Romania can be with very different weather circumstances. So prepare yourself for sunshine (around 15-20 degrees) and also for rain and cold weather (5 degrees). A part of this exchange will be outdoors. HOW TO APPLY: In order to apply for this project you must be over 17 and citizen of one of the partner countries. Contact the partner organization from the list above and they will hand you the application form. Brno Connected Czech Republic Break The Couch Greece Europe 4 Youth Poland Synergy Romania Romania CONTACTS: For information about the practicals, accommodation or how to get there please contact SYNERGY ROMANIA -

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