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The Birth of Earth By: Adriana Mera Romero ‘The following document is intended to answer questions about the biggest geological mystery, the birth of the Earth; as it was formed from the dust of the solar system as the molten rock solidified and gave origena continent filled with water as the oceans and how did life on Earth. ‘As we know our planet has done a great job of covering their tracks as it was originally, for geologists trying to figure out how and when the Earth was formed is a very complex challenge. He began to find the oldest rocks on the planet and for that searched the Meteor Crater in Arizona, when a large meteorite impact with the Earth formed and detected that rocks found in the meteorite were older than any rock had found before, entoces was reached the conclusion that if the older rocks came from space, it was there where to look for. They went back to our solar system makes 4500 MY and that our Sun was formed from a dust cloud and gas and when | cooled mineral grains floating around it formed, began these grains to collide with other forming planets around, but still no evidence of this theory had until 2003, when an astronaut aboard the International Space Station, by experiment, throw a pinch of salt in a plastic bag and waved; He observed that the particles began to gather each other forming small groups that ‘were held together by tiny static electricity. Scientists realized that if the grains of salt stuck in space, could also do the grains of ore solar dust cloud. AAs well as evidence of the Earth was formed was obtained. Over the next million years some of them continued bumping into each other and growing in size, many of them continue to rotate around the Sun, and have not changed in the titimos 4500 MY, some of them keep coming to Earth as meteorites we know them, providing information from the past. ‘Thousands of estrus rocks formed from mineral grains came together as he turned around the sun, and when it reached a size greater than 800 m in length, its own gravitational force allowed him to continue to attract more abject, so it was formed the Earth; the rock borbandeo was such that only need 30 m to reach its current size, but how came to be as it is now if it was made up of bits of space rocks? Modern geologists believe that our planet is completely melted shortly after formed; the densest objects it sank to the planet's center and lighter rose to the surface, the extraordinary gravitational pull dragged down iron and nickel that formed the core and divided into layers the rest of the planet, it is believed that the planet I get to melt by the addition of hot radioactive elements entering the planet began to heat the rock that was his alrededory as all materials deep incorporated, the earth melted from the inside out, reaching convert a gigantic ball of rock liquid incandencente that revolved around the sun and its lava, ‘ocean surface, about 1100 ” C, but off the planet, the empty space maintained a constant temperature of -230 * C, which allowed the molten surface was not for long; He cooled from the outside in, outside a crust of rock formed colder but still kept a high temperature was gradually cooled from the outside in; less than 1m and the surface of our planet was covered with a thin crust but still volcanoes spewed lava and gas axfisiantes with constant meteor showers, even missing a long way to bring about the continetes, oceans and life. To find the age of the Earth several attempts were made. In 1650 the Irish Archbishop James Ussher joined the age of kings and prophets on the Bible, even said that the Earth was created last Sunday evening October 23" 4004 B.C. A century later geologists thick layers of sediments and volcanic lavas, there were to bring thousands if not billions of years. The next discovery was made in 1867 when Ernest Rutherford discovered that from the radioactive decay could be accurately measured the age of the rocks, and it was shown that the rocks were not thousands, not billions of years old, but encountered the obstacle of finding rock sample of the first steps of the Earth. In the early 1950s the US Clair Cameron Patterson suggested looking rocks of meteorites, as these were formed with the same mineral grains of space that the Earth was formed, so, if you could date a meteorite, you could determine the actual age of the Earth. In 1953 he reached Meteor Crater in Arizona in search of some sign, Patterson estimated the age of the samples and determined that the meteorite had 4500 MY, so the Earth must be the same age. Modern techniques radiometry place the age of the Earth with an age of 4567 MY. Until now it was known how and when the Earth was formed, but no one knew what had happened then. Until the late 19605, geologists believed that the Moon was formed in the same way that the Earth, from the mineral grains that were by adhering solar cloud layers and thought they had a heavy iron core. Later in 1974 Bill Hartmann came a theory of the origin of the Moon, which in our young solar system were thousands of planets revolving and one of these, roughly the size of Mars, was in the path of collision of the Earth, this blew rock material outer mantle of the Earth and the Moon formed from this material, the evidence for this theory was given with rock sample brought him Moon Apollo 16 astronauts in April 1972, it was found that these samples have less iron than expected. So Hartmann showed that the chances that the moon formed from rocks of the upper part of the Earth, so he could prove his theory. Until now we had some information about the planet but was not known as the most acontinental formed and water. evidence was sought on the shores of Hudson Bay in Canada, geologists already knew that these rocks were old, but the student Jonathan ONeill found rocks from highly altered volcanic lava and deformed calls amphibolites, and take them to date them determined that 4280 MY these were in these rocks minerals found that only can be formed at high temperatures and pressure and that these amphibolites were formed to at least 19 km below the earths crust, which shows that the crust was so thick and this and therefore should have continents and not only that, but these rocks were formed in deep water, which shows the banded iron formations and magnetite he found another student Emilie ‘Thomassot, such magnetite only formed under water, no you know what size were the oceans at the time, but it proved that makes 4280 MY as there was water on Earth. If there were oceans on this then, Where did all that water? As always, the answer lies in space. It was found in a meteorite that reached Earth in 1998 and has recently analyzed fine salt crystals and reveal microscopic drops of liquid water. ‘The age of salt has 4500 MY hence this water is the same age or older. This proves that water existed when the Earth was formed, theories are that the water came in meteorites, the bombardment of meteorites that must be must be great to bring all this water to Earth. Upon the arrival of water on Earth to solve the question is how life came to Earth? Life is an essential element in the geology of the Earth. There is a new explanation of the evidence found in Allende, Mexico; came a fireball that came from a meteorite, upon reaching the atmosphere was shattered into thousands of pieces of rock, to find evidence of it was analyzed and small amounts of amino acids, which are an essential component of materials such as proteins found , amino acids are the chemical building blocks of life all living beings have amino acids and without them life would not be possible. Until the discovery of the meteor de Allende, it was believed that amino acids were formed from chemical reactions on the surface and had several theories about the origin of life on Earth. Since then it has found hundreds of amino acids in meteorites and revolutionized ideas about the origin of life on Earth. Today scientists believe that the basic building blocks of life came from space and amino acids are the starting point of life. Now the question to be answered is how our planet passage of particles in the solar dust cloud to a planet ‘where life itself determines the geological phenomena of the Earth? 3500 MY makes life forms emerged that give way to form new types of rocks. As we know, life needs oxygen, and makes 3500 MY there was no oxygen in Earths atmosphere at that time was terribly poisonous volcanic eruptions of sulfur filled the air, methane, carbon dioxide and sulfuric acid; nevertheless there were primitive form of life. Found strange shaped structures fossilized coral rock 3000 MY ago in various parts of the world that are called stromatolites, there are few living, but can be found living in the valley of Cuatro Cienegas, Mexico; stromatolites are composed of cyanobacteria, cyanobacteria produce oxygen; 3500 MY makes oxygen was lethal to other forms of life energy obtained sulfur, but the amount of cyanobacteria our atmosphere filled with oxygen and changed the way the world works at the time, and I leave it to the animal and plant tife will evolve. Over millions of years the organic matter in the jungles and forests originated compressed layers that eventually form all carbon deposits, oil and gas planet. They sedimentary rocks such as chalk and limestone formed with the remains of marine animals funds accumulated few deep seas. Without life geology of the Earth it would be very different. Earth was born, a new scenario where the geological processes that occurred over billions of years shaped the planet we inhabit today.

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