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Prayer Bulletin No, 19b. Way Preyer sometimes goes unanswered So many Christians live far below their privileges and fail to receive 50 many blossings that they might very well have. There is often just one simple reason for their lack ~ "Ye have not because ye ask not" (janes 4.2) They do not appropriate from God! They do not pray. Jesus said, "Ask and it shall be given you" (Luke 11.9). "Delight thyself also in the Lord, and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart"(Ps 37.4). Gf course, we kiow that there are times when Christians DO ask end have not received - why? 1. Sometimes the petitions are not according to the will of God. 2. The Apostle James gives one reason, "Even when you DO ask, you don't get, because your whole aim is wrong. You only want that which will give you pleasure" (Janes 4.3 1.3.) The trouble is that we some times ack Tor good things for selfish ends. For instance a preacher may ask God's blessing on his meeting - but is his motive right? Is it that his preaching may be admired, applauded? If so ~ no answer! Christianity is the most selfless religion because Jesus is the nost selfless Lord! God cannot minister to needs that begin and end in self, 3. another frequent cause of unanswered prayer is unbelief. Prayer must be in faith (James 1.5,6) also see Mark 11.24. Paith is more than mental assent. Faith accepts the promises of God as absolute realities and acts upon then, The faith that lays hold on God's promises is a spiritual faculty - it comes from God! The Christian who abides in Christ, has regular daily contact with his Lord - who prayerfully reads the Word of God - GETS GOD'S FAITH! (Read these Seriptures - Mark 11.22 and see the‘margin, Romans 10.17.) If we want to experience answers to prayer WG SHOULD LIVE IN DATLY CONTACT WITH GOD. That is way each of us should have e Prayer Sanctuary. 4, An unforgiving spirit will interfere with prayer. Ill-will, anger, hatred, resentment, grudges - are spiritual blockages. It to our best interests that we adjust all difficulties with our fellow men, and right all wrongs on our part, forgiving ell offences ~ Mark 11.25. Therefore, Prayer-Parthers, "Let us draw near to God with a true heart, in full assurance of faith". A humble, trustful, honest heart never feils to gain the ear of God - "For Thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive; and plemteous in mercy unto all them that call upon Thee" (Psalm 86.5). The Master Passion. The winning of souls to Christ showld be our Master Passion. What tremendous concern Jesus had! "The Son of Man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister and give His life a renson for many". “he Son of Man is come to seek and to save that which is lost". His great heart was moved with compassion as Se viewed the multitude; He wept over the souls of men. He know the fate of a lost soul! Soul-winning wes the Apostle Paul's Waster Passion. It was the all-con- suming object of his daily life, the aim of his preaching, and the subject of his praying. "I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some (1 Cor 9.22). This passionate concern led him into a life of unremitting service, sacrifice and self-denial. Paul was compelled by the conviction that every men was either saved or lust; that every soul would either enjoy the glories of Heaven forever - cr suffer the torments of hell forever! He never wavered in his belief that every unregenerate, impenitent soul would be utterly end irretrievably lost forever! Is this the burning conviction of our hearts? If so, it should compel us to greater endeavour in the task of winning souls for Jesus!

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