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peace is grateful.

---philipainss 4: 6-7
----opp of peace is anxiety. When you doub you have anxiety.
--------peace that suprasses understanding, wil FGaurd your heart.
Understanding=mind it supasses understanding, feelings, memories, It goes
above an beyond everything about you. Peace of God leaves you
dumbfounded. To Gaurd or protect with a milary. Garrison. is there to protect
people fromm coming in and you from going out. Things that are in focus are
hard to let go of. Peace of God puts you in sight.
verse 19. People need to be minseterd peace to remove fear. How do you
minister peace.? Peace means to be coompleate. Jesus won tleave you as
prphans. He says peace be with you. \
----"Apastello and pempo" what is the iference between apastello and pemo?
s the father has sent me I send you.
---Peace of God is a blessing to do the work because its really hard to do
somthing in fear.
----Iseah 26:3-4

To have paeace over SATs you need to keep your eyes on Jesus to compleate
it. I anything comesss, ask for Peace and hold on to word because peace
gaurds your heart. Dont allow self to conform to pattern of enviornment. Hold
ground by holding word therefore holding peace. Everything becomes subject
to the word of God and every chaotic situation can be calmed by peace=
holding on to word , speaking word, readin gword,
Speack, do, hold"*****8 to the word************

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