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NHS questions

1. How do you ensure confidentiality is adhered to in your daily clinical practice and what
guidelines are followed?
2. Effective communication is essential to deliver high standards of patient care. How can
you ensure in your clinical practice that this occurs?
3. Can you describe a time you have had to challenge a colleague over their behaviour and
how you handled this?
4. When a patient is transferred to your care in the ward area, as the receiving nurse what are
your priorities?
5. You are concerned about a member of staffs patient care delivery and attitude towards the
patients. Describe what your responsibilities would be?
6. What are the behaviours you feel demonstrate a commitment to patient care?
7. You see something is going to be an issue, however it falls outside of your remit, how
would you respond?
8. You are completing a drug round and you are unable to clearly read a regular prescribed
medication on the drug chart. What would you do?
9. Infection Control is one of the Trusts key priorities. How can you assist the Lead
Nurse/Sister and Matron to prevent patients contracting infections such as MRSA and
Clostridium Difficile?
Promote good hand washing
Ensure staff/patients and visitors use the alcohol gel on entry/exit to the clinical area
Aseptic techniques
Ensure medical staff and junior staff are using hand washing techniques
Challenge poor practice
Swabbing patients on transfer from other hospitals
Barrier nursing
Liaising closely with the infection control team
Ensure the ward is clean and tidy, take action if not and inform Lead Nurse/Matron
10. What can you do to keep up to date with nursing practices?
11. If you are successful today what areas of clinical practice do you feel you will need
support with?

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