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‘There are many legacies of ancient China, One of ‘he most significant was the system of rue by emperors, which persisted unt 1911, Even in modem times, Chinese leaders have continued fo exercise [powers thot are not vey diferent rom those ofthe ‘emperors. Cina’ hertage also includes traces ofthe ‘oncient past such as the Great Wall andthe amazing discoveries rom Gin and Han tombs, Perhaps the ‘most remarkable part of China's heritage is he scale ‘of discoveries and inventions that originated in ‘ancient China, in many cases long before similar developments occurred inthe western world, Many things we ake for granced today were invented by the people of ancient China. Here is a lis of some of the more important ones: + paper helicopter abacus * printing rowrand + origami + decimal system propeller ¢ cannon ‘+ wheebarow home collar + bomb scismogrph + ail * acupuncture = mache» kite + spinning + gunpowder + rocker wheel ‘+ purachute + compass + ion plowshare + kang fu/wushu * umbrella + paper money + caciron—* printed book + chopsticks, ink hn The four great inventions Four great inventions of ancient China were the ‘compass, pape printing and gunpowder. These invendons encouraged human advances in education and exploration Compass, “The Chinese invented the magnetic compass ‘Compasses were frst used to ensure houses were built facing a direction that was in harmony with naar, Paper and printing “The inventions of paper and printing were to have an ‘enormous impact on peopl’ lives. The eles paper ‘was made by mixing rags, rope, bak and even fishing pets in a watery solution and rushing che material down wo aver pulp (se GID). The disintegrating ‘bres were used to create sheets of paper, which were sed for many things including umbrellas, thing, roller paper, curains, money and wallpaper. Paper ey he he an inion revolutionised communication. Taitionaly silk had been used for writing, but ie war expensive. Pape ‘was cheaper, so more people could aford to use ‘writing Tollowing the invention of block printing (se (EBD) in 750 CE, every Chinese scholar and public servant bought copies ofthe mor importa books for their shelves. With paper records could be kept and instructions sent more easly and more often, Today we sill rly heavily on paper for communication, Gunpowder From very cul times the Chinese searched for a drug thar would give the emperor ternal life. By accident they discovered gunpowder. Ae fit, gunpowder was used in freworks for entertainment and ineligious ‘eremonies, Laer it was used in making simple bombs. Length of heavy bamboo were loaded with gunpowder and fate set in the side, When ext iron was developed, pipes were louded to erate the fie canna The Chincie then developed cannons that fired arrows with individual rockets atached — the ise multi-stage rocket. Flame-throvers, mines and hand grenades were also used by Chinese armies, ‘Medicine Acupuncture appears to have been used in China since the third century BCE, Needles were understood to block or simulate che flow of yin and yang co certain areas of the body. The ancient Chinese wee alo the fist to understand blood circulation and by 200 CE were using an anaesthetie based on hemp. Possibly the fist human dissection was catied out on the body of ‘criminal in 16 CE by a doctor and a dled butcher Human disection was soon banned, chough, asi conflicted withthe Confician belie in the purity of the boy Seismographs Zhang Heng mented he wor is cismogeaph —iasuen for deeg expe ISERCE: Ana cor cated all tbe heed froma dager mou and fl inte aoa mouth fet acy fom the canhquae pce This showed he ener the diccon ofthe dows ‘ites were fr made ‘out of bamboo and silk, and later paper They were used mostly during feria, but they wer also used in battle to frighten enemies (by creating unusual sounds through the sings) and to send signals tothe woop, Kites were oven used for fishing and for scaring birds sway from exops acupuncture «mesial ace nw ng sp ibgroing elvng or euing ses naesthetie crag to denen pln Aisactlon system cut up of ody for mac study == — [EXPLANATION AND COMMUNICATION Wy were tes useful ia ancent China? ite ltr to the emperor fom Zhang Heng, explaining the value ofthe slsmograph he jst invented. Fst, conduct some esate, Gunpowder an example of an invention that can have both postive and negave eects. Working with partner, daw up te columns and st both ‘theharmul andthe bene uses of gunpowder. HISTORICAL QUESTIONS AND RESEARCH 4 Matin homemade papers great fun anda good way to recyte waste paper. Search for ang Paper on the internet and youl find dozens of tes {hat give you the deta of ow to male your owe Paper. Try making some Choo ane af the inventions rom the list opposite nd rezcarchiton the internet Then prepare PowerPoint slides tha ak and answer the following questions 2 When was itt discovered? 1 Descbe how Iewas made and how Rorked, «€ What problem de the ivenion solve? {4 What was theefecton theives of orinary people «¢ Baethis vention ltt use today? Explain.

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