Test 1 Comparatives - Superlatives. Conditionals 37176 20150817 20150723 170350

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8th Grade English Study Test

Unit 3: Life in different countries

Content: Comparatives . Superlatives. Conditionals

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Score: ____/23 p

I. Circle the correct option.

(10 p)

1. Davis is _________ soccer player in England.

A good
B better
C the best
2. Carla is _________ Stephanie.
A prettier than
B most pretty

C more pretty

3. I think drowning is _________ burning.

A worse than
B bader than

C worst than

4. For me Ussain Bolt is the_________ man in the world.

A fastest
B further
C most fast
5. Unfortunately, I'm not _________ you in French.
A so good that
B as good as
C too good than
6. What do you think is _________ ? Flying or running fast?
A beter
B better
C good
7. Falling is the _________ thing that could happen to a sprinter.
A worse
B bader
C worst
8. I will never be _________ Beckham.
A gooder than
B as good as

C best than

9. Your son is the _________ kid I have ever met.

A cleverest
B most cleverest

C more clever

10. I have _________ marks in English than in French.

A gooder
B better
C best

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8th Grade English Study Test

Unit 3: Life in different countries
Content: Comparatives . Superlatives. Conditionals

II. Read the questions below and decide which answer best fits each space.
1. If world is a stage, then life ____ a game.
A. is
B. will be

C. would be

2. If you heat water to 100 C, it ____

A. boils
B. boil

C. will boil

3. I won't go to the party unless she ____ me.

A. invites
B. doesn't invite

C. will invite

4. I ____ grateful if you ____ what I said to yourself.

A. will be ___will keep
B. am ___keep

C. will be ___ keep

5. Unless the weather ____better, I ____

A. gets ___ will arrive
B. gets ___ won't arrive

C doesn't get ___ won't arrive

III. Complete the following sentences using IF or UNLESS.

(5 p)

(8 p)

1. _____________________my friend goes on holiday, I must look after his dog.

2. You shouldn't drive_______________________ you don't have a driver's licence.
3. I'll go to the beach with my sister ____________________________-it rains this weekend.
4. It's raining. _____________________you don't have an umbrella, you'll get wet. I'll lend you mine.
5. _________________________it stops raining we will not have a picnic.
6. You will never understand English grammar ____________________________you study this language.
7. I'll vaccum the carpets. Wash the windows - ________________________you are tired.
8. ___________________________you hurry up, we will be late.

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8th Grade English Study Test

Unit 3: Life in different countries

Comparatives . Superlatives. Conditionals

Answer key

1. C
2. A
3. A
4. A
5. B
6. B
7. C
8. B
9. A
10. B
1. A

2. A

3. A

4. C



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5. B

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