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Ambassadors Football Nepal Application Form Intake September to November 2015

Name: ..
Address: ..
School: ..

Contact No:
Date of Birth: ...
Parents Name: ... Parents Occupation: .................
Your hobbies: .
Why do you want to learn football? .
What position do you play? .
Have you played football before or taken any training before? If yes, please mention when and where.
What is your expectation from Ambassadors Football Training?

Did you have any injuries in the past? Fractures or surgery, please state.
Is there anything that we should know about you and be extra cautious of during the training?

Ambassadors Football Nepal Application Form Intake September to November 2015

Terms and Conditions:

1. The child must be between Age 6 to 16.
2. Every delegate must bring their football gear which includes; jersey, socks, pad, boot, a bottle of
drinking water.
3. They must be on time and in case of absence prior information must be given to the coaches.
Children will not be permitted to the training if they are absent for consecutive 3 weeks.
4. They must not use any foul language during the coaching hour.
5. They must pay a monthly fee of Rs. 300/6. Minor injuries during the coaching time will be taken care of by Ambassadors but in case of
major injuries the parents will have to take care of it.
7. They must arrive 5 minutes prior to the training.
What Parents can expect from the training?
1. Coaches will be on time
2. Coach will be prepared, and give your child a mix off football games, new techniques, and
provide a positive environment for your child to enjoy and learn the game of football.
3. The coach will never use bad language with your child, and will always try and be positive.
4. The coach to be a positive role model for your child. Sharing stories and values from their life
that have helped them to be the person they are today.
I and my child agree to the terms and conditions mentioned above and hereby sign as an acceptance.


Signature of a Parent/Guardian

Signature of an applicant

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