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Democrazia 2.

0 – sostenibilità

Scheda 1

Gruppo: European Union

Sostenibilità socio culturale:
Sustainability is a part of the process of human evolution that concerns politics, economics and
cultures. Every generation has own needs but the satisfaction of these needs must not compromise
the satisfaction of the needs of future generations. The socio-cultural needs are those related to the
human rights, but are also connected to politics, economics and ecological systems.
A society socio-culturally sustainable is that where the people are equal in rights and opportunities.
All these are concerning sanity, home, education and all people should feel interested in the society
despite of its economical situation, ethnicity, religious believes, etc...

Sostenibilità politica:
The most important aspect of sustainability.
Conducting politics in a sustainable way means respecting individuals, the society and the
It is in every aspect of our life and society

Sostenibilità economica:
An economic system where alternative energy become ordinary, better life and product quality
which would lead our institutions to be more responsible and aware on how to use internal
resources or our state.
Prospecting to have one day a more equal redistribuition of common goods and economic
activities less oriented to maximize their profits (transparency is required)

Sostenibilità ambientale:
Necessary condition in order to construct a model of development able to defend the Earth and the
environment and to allow us to survive on this planet, achieved by making rational choises

Ants carrying the Earth.

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