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Authentic Happiness ’ ® Penn | Authentic Happiness Uewessnrer Poeun | Log out VIA Survey of Character Strengths era ae your scores on the VIA Survey of Characts Strength, For how ta intrpret and use your scares, £08 the book ‘Ratientie rege (hitpt/ / wow Authentic Happinese-Peychology-Potentiar Fulfilment ‘Agtyants Hoppinose (htt:// mf sppinese-Peycholony ‘The ranking of the strengths reflects your overall ratings of yourself on the 26 strengths in the survey, how much of each ‘Hrength you possess. Your top five are the ones to pay attention to and find ways €o use more ofeR- ‘Your Top Strength Judgment, critical thinking, and open-mindedness ~ “Thinking things through and examining them from all sides are important aspects of who you are. You do not jump to Condusione, and you Fely only on oid evddence to make your dedsions. You are able'so change your mind. ‘Your Second Strength Honesty, authenticity, and genuineness ‘You are an honest person, not only by speaking the truth but by ving your lfe In a genuine and authentic way. You are down {5 earth and without pretense; you are 2 Sreal” person. Strength #3 Social intelligence You are aware of the motives and feelings of other people. You know what to do to ft in to different social stuations, and you nowt to do S0"pOe others st soses peor re Strength #4 Citizenship, teamwork, and loyalty - You excel as member of a group. You are a loyal and dedicated teammate, you always do your share, and you work hard for the Skceess of your arcu. Strength #5 Capacity to love and be loved ~ ‘You value close relations with others, In particular those in which sharing and caring are recprocated. The people to whom you feel Most ose are the same people who feel most close to 'You. : ae : Strength #6 Modesty and humility ~ ‘You do not seek the spotight, preferring to let your accomplishments speak for themselves. You do not regard yourself as pect, Snd Sthers recognize Std value Your moestys ° sere Strength #7 Industry, diligence, and perseverance - ‘You work hard to fish what you start. Ho, matter the project. you “get it out the door” in timely fashion. You do not ‘Setraas‘aen you works and you ake satSfocton ih Competing tad ed Ca Strength #8 Perspective wisdom - ~ 7 RUNES a0 oP Rave. Yous haves aay oF Weltng atthe word that makes sends to winers and'to yoursce sO" MASTS and Strength #9 Caution, prudence, and discretion - You gre 8 careful perzon, and your choices are consistently prudant ones. You do not say oF do things that you might liter regret Strength #10 creativity, ingenuity, and originality ~ “Thinking of new ways to do things is a crucial part of who you are, You are never content with doing something the Eonventonal way W's Bence ways possBias 2 " ° Lof2 8/29/2015 5:39 PM Authentic Happiness . hitps:// Bravery and valor - ‘You ace a courageous person who does not sheink from threat, challenge, difcuty, or pain. You speak up for what is Fight ‘en’ there i Sppostlon, You se on your convictions, : ae ad = Strength #12 Selt-control and self-regulation ~ ‘You seleconsciously regulate what you fel and what you do. You are a dscipined person. You are in contral of your appetites ahd youremotionsy not vice versa, Strength #13 Humor and playful ‘You lke to laugh and tease. Bringing smiles to other people ls important to you. You try to see the light side of Strength #14 Leadershi ‘You excel at the tacks of leadership: encouraging a group to get things done and preserving harmony within the grou ‘making everyone fel incuded. You doa good Job ofganizing actives and seeing that they happen: eee Strength #15 Fairness, equity, 3nd Justice - “Treating all people fay Ig ong of your abiding principles. You do not let your personal feelings bias your dedsions about other People’ You'give everyone s chance Strength #16 Curiosity and interest in the world - Yeu are curious about everything. You are alvays asking questions, and you find all subjects and topics fascinating. You tke SiplorskGn 9nd Seeavene eo be 2 hae 2 Strength #17 Gratitude - You are aware of the good things that happen to you, and you never take them for granted. Your friends and family members Know that you are a grateful pesson because you aways take the time to ‘express your thank . Strength #18 Kindness and generosity - ‘You are kind and generous to others, and you are never too busy to do a favor. You enjoy doing good deeds for others, even you do noe Teno them wel Ma enjoy doing 9 Strength #19 Hope, optimism, and future-mindedness - You expect the best In the future, and you work to achleve k. You belleve that the future Is something that you ean control Strength #20 Love of learning - ‘You love learning new things, whether in a class of on your own. You have always loved school, reading, and museums Rywhere nd eteryuhere Bhére te am opportunity to lea: : sas jardless of what you de, you approach it with excitement and energy. You never do anything halfway or haltheartedly. For $50 We Sn verb * YOY *PPF a ee A Strength #22 Forgiveness and mercy - ‘You forgive those who have done you wrong. You always lve people a second chance. Yeur guiding principle is mercy and not revenge: Appreciation of ‘You notice and apprecate beauty, excellence, Inathomatics to dence to everyay experen Strength #24 Spirituality, sense of purpose, and faith - ‘You have strong and coherent beliefs about the higher purpose and meaning of the universe. You know where you fit in the Ibtger scheme, Your belels shape Your actions and are & sburen of comfort to Yous x “E2015, The Trustees of the Universty of Pennsyivania, AI Rights Reserved. 20f2 8292015 5:39 PM

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