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'Empower women in panchayats first to improve the status of

women farmers'
Renowned scientist M S Swaminathan spoke to Kundan Pandey on the private members bill initiated
by him in Rajya Sabha in 2011 to protect the interest of women farmers. He also talked about what needs
to be done to secure their land rights and improve their access to technology, credit and the market.
How could the bill moved by you have helped the cause of women farmers?
My private members bill was to create awareness of the need for attending to the
special needs of women farmers in the area of access to technology, credit,
insurance, inputs, irrigation water, extension services and above all assured and
remunerative market.

What is the condition of women farmers in other countries? Does any

country recognise women as farmers?

The status of women farmers varies from country to country. In industrialized countries men and women
share the work load in every aspect of farming. In many developing countries women play an important role
in post-harvest management. In almost all cases, the work assigned to women involves more drudgery than
the ones being handled by men.
How do you see this Aroh campaign?
Aroh is an important initiative since it helps to awaken consciousness of land rights of women farmers.
Without patta to land women farmers are not able to get access to credit.
Do you think, the government will take up this matter in future?
The government is interested in the principle but words do not match actions. Fortunately, our present
prime minister is much more committed to the cause of women farmers' empowerment.
What are the special needs and challenges of women farmers?
The special needs are the areas of land rights, technology, credit, and market.
What could be the possible model to change things on ground level?
We have to empower the 50 per cent of women in the panchayats with new skills. At M S Swaminathan
Research Foundation (MSSRF), for example, we are converting them into climate risk managers, hunger
fighters, plant doctors, academicians of the virtual academy and biodiversity conservers. This gives them
both pride and self-esteem and their contributions to leveraging agriculture for nutrition are increasing.

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