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Product Owner:

1. Product Backlog (its comprises of Stories)

what is required
bugs to fix

product owner describes will conduct team operation

what will they do
and why

In Product Backlog product owner prioritised list of what is required.

Product owner
organises the backlog in priority wise with most important
at the top. (This gives
customer the highest priority items asap.
However priority can change after each Sprint or duration.
2. Sprint: Sprint is basic unit of development time. (1 week to 1 month in length)
Sprint Planning Meeting (team select starting at top as much as it can commit
to deliver by end of
Daily Standup Meeting/Daily Scrum Meeting: Can be 15 minutes or less.
Team members tell
each other:
1. Whats completed since last meeting.
2. Whats intended to do before next meeting
3. Why did they have any impediments that may cause them become blocked

Scrum Master: (up to this point we reaches to role of the Scrum Master)
1. Helps ensure success of the project
2. Removes impediments of team
3. Aids decision making (help the team to make responsible decision)
4. Supports the team in anyway to basically pass above.
In day Scrum meeting Scrum Master ensure that any potential impediment doesnt be
a problem.
On the end of the Sprint usually on the last day tow other meetings are held for:
1. Sprint Review / Sprint Demo (its basically done with clients to tell them how its
was and why its important)
its important because:
1. Shows accomplishments
2. Client sees the results
3. Client feedback
Its main purpose is to improve the improve the products
2. Sprint Retrospective
Its main purpose is to improve the team and process
Discuss the successes the failures
Creates the Action Items

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