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Welcome to Grade 1!

Derek Taylor School

Mrs. Noskey

Hello and Welcome to Grade 1!

My name is Mrs. Vanessa Noskey and I am so pleased to be working with
you and your child this year. I hope that everyone had a wonderful
summer and that you are all as excited as I am about a new year!
I am sure you will find Grade One full of fun! This is an exciting time
for both you and your child and you will be amazed at how much your
child will learn this year! Please keep in mind that a child progresses at
his or hers own rate, acquiring skills as they are developmentally ready.
It is important to maintain your childs self-esteem and build a secure
foundation for future growth.
In this booklet you will find some important information about what to
expect in 1N. Hopefully, this booklet will answer some of your questions
about this school year.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me either by
phone, email, or setting up a meeting. Thanks so much and I look
forward to meeting you!

Mrs. Noskey

Classroom Expectations
Based on the book: The 7 Habits of Happy Kids
By: Sean Convey
Grade 1 students will Be Proactive You are in charge of your own behavior and will
take responsibility for you choices.
Grade 1 students will Begin with the end in mind You will have a plan and set goals.
You will look for ways to be a good citizen.
Grade 1 students will Put first things first You are in charge of your own behavior
and this will include doing what you have to do first so that you can do what you want to
do in the end.
Grade 1 students will Think Win Win You will work and play with others in a
positive and respectful way. If there is a problem, you will talk it out so that everyone
Grade 1 students will Seek first to understand, then to be understood You will
first listen to other peoples ideas and feelings without interrupting. Then, you will say
your opinions.

Grade 1 students will Synergize You understand that together is better. Teaming
up with others and sharing ideas can create better solutions than any one of us have
Grade 1 students will Sharpen the saw You understand that balance is BEST! You
take care of yourself by eating healthy, sleeping well, drinking water and exercising!

Information about Grade One

Home Reading: The grade one home reading program starts out very simple with weekly
poems and sight words. By the end of September or beginning of October, the students will
bring home home readers to read to you. More information will be sent home at a later date.
Dino Folders: These are in place for your child to help keep them organized. Any forms
that are sent home will go into these folders. Typically, if they are returned to school, they will
be sent in that section. This is the same for stay at home information. Thank you for helping
to keep your child organized by sending form back in this folder.
School Times: School begins at 8:25 AM. Teachers will begin supervision outside on the
playground at 8:00 AM. If students are at school at this time they are expected to be outside
unless the weather does not permit. The children will be going outside twice every day for
recess. Please make sure that they are dressed appropriately. We will be sharing the boot
room with many other classes so please label your childs shoes and boots clearly. This will save
some headaches!! Dismissal at the end of the day is 2:59 PM. Please note that children are to
come into the school by themselves. Unfortunately there is not enough space for both parents
and children to be in the hallway.
**There are quite a few half day Fridays. Please check the school calendar either in your
childs agenda or online at to ensure you have a record of them. Dismissal will be at
12:00 (noon) on those days.
Professional Learning Communities: PLC provides teacher with an opportunity to work with
their colleagues to share best practices. Friday afternoons during the school year we will have
PLC meetings. On these days students will be dismissed at 12:00. Busses will still run as usual
on these days.

Snacks: We have a morning snack in the classroom around 10am. Please make this a
healthy snack, easy for your child to finish. A small bag of cut up fruit or veggies, or other dry
snacks such as dried fruit, crackers and cheese etc. Please do not send junk food in your
childs lunch. A healthy body is a healthy mind!

Milk Program: Our milk program is being run through the canteen. If you would like to
order milk for your child, you can place your order on the canteen menu.

Parking: As space is very limited around our school, if it is possible, please arrange
to park at an alternate area besides the parking lot to avoid congestion. Thank you.
This is a lengthy letter, but the information is very important. I feel that ongoing
communication between us is important for your childs progress. As mentioned earlier,
if you have any questions please feel free to contact me at the school.

I can be reached at the school by phone or email.


Phone: 780 357 9174 ext.2567

At our school we take bullying very seriously. For more information on the school policy
regarding bullying, please see the student agenda. No one likes to feel uncomfortable,
embarrassed, picked on, or hurt.
What is school bullying?
Bullying is intentionally hurting or embarrassing another student.
What does bullying look like?
Some examples of bullying include: physically hurting others, spreading rumours, talking
behind backs, making rude comments, refusing to join someones group or sit near them,
damaging someone elses property, or excluding students.
What can I do if Im being bullied?
Please come and privately tell a teacher or parent. Were here to help make your learning
as easy as possibleit is very difficult to concentrate on your school work if youre
worried, upset or hurt!
What can I do if I see someone else being bullied?
Please come and privately tell a teacher or parent. Remember, there is a difference
between tattling and telling. Tattling is when a student tells an adult what another
student did simply to get him or her into trouble. Telling is when a student tells an adult
what another student did because that students actions were unsafe or hurt another

Dear Parents,
Please take a few minutes to help me get to know your child by responding to the questions below.
Please return it with your child as soon as possible. Thank you for your insight!

Your childs name:


Parent Name(s):


Email address:


1. What are your childs strengths?

2. What do you feel are your childs areas for growth?

3. How does your child get along with others?

4. What out-of-school activities or sports is your child involved in?

5. Are there any significant past or present experiences in your childs life that I
should be aware of?

Any additional comments?

Thank you for your time!

Vanessa Noskey

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