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Earths biodiversity is fading as a result of continued human interaction with

nature. I feel like people often dont see how every small thing can affect the
delicate numbers of species that populate our ecosystems. The number of species
added to the list of endangered species climbs every year by over exploitation of
wildlife by people. The demand for tuna and fish all over the world popularized by
sushi has set the populations of numerous schools of fish awry because nets are
largely indiscriminate of fish caught. Airplane engines kill thousands of birds.
Overuse of land for the sake of farming has brought diversity of plants to a crippling
low, and according to, up to 70% of the worlds known species risk
extinction if global temperatures rise by more than 3.5C. Humanity has become
too dependent on plastic goods which contaminate the environment, when the
ecosystem can, with much capability, supply food, clean drinking water, rid waste
and more that we have taken upon ourselves to do. Not even the higher rungs of
the food chain are exempt from human overuse. Sharks have been overfished for
years because of their status as a delicacy in other cultures. There are numerous
corals and sponges even that have faced severe consequences with the change in
ocean temperatures. How can people sustain the ability to feed ourselves to this
extent if everything we do is in excess? If we continue to overproduce our livelihood
will become threatened, and we cant afford to lose any opportunities for the future.
What are the logistics that we can continue to feed ourselves and maintain livestock
if we continue to clear-cut forests until one day we become oxygen deprived. The
idea behind all the problems of our natural world, pollution, overuse, technological
interference with the environment and more all coming together to endanger our
sources of food being brought on by ourselves, is often a problem we fail to
consider. If the root of the problem lies with people, how can we change ourselves
to fix this state of our environment when we normally neglect the consequences of
these actions and put off problems for further generations? The solutions are often
found when we gather communities together to help ourselves to the cleaning of
our own mess. If we can put forth just as much effort to cleaning the messes we
create that we do in creating these messes, we can halt and someday reverse the
effects of our current overproduction.

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