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Thus Spoke the Left 115

in Bilin, and it is not hilltop youth who stand guard with cocked weapons
to supervise the apartheid land theft committed by... the hilltop youth.
It is the IDF that does all that on behalf of most of the Jews in Zion, and
thus, according to your principles, it is the Jews in Zion who lose the right
to be called Jews!

LEFT (2)

And that small group of small leftists whom you mock for their presence
in Bilin against the wall every Fridayon Thursdays they protect Sudanese refugees. And on Wednesdays they can be found at the Akerstein factory in Yeruham aiding exploited workers (Jews, by the way). Not only do
they dismantle the terrible wall between Jews and Arabs, they also guard
the wall of the morals of the prophets, which are the opposite of the morals of the occupiers.


The authors of the manifesto write, about Professor Leibowitz, He was

probably the smartest Jew in the last century.17
The mere comparison, expressed in the manifesto, between obeying
the laws of the state and following the religious commandments would
horrify Professor Leibowitz. For him the state was but a necessary tool,
certainly not the object of love and awe.
Leibowitz would have probably begun his article about the manifesto
in the following manner: I have yet to decide whether the authors of the
manifesto are completely ignorant or completely evil.


A whole chapter is dedicated to the capitalist pigs, but they are then led
back in through the back door, and God forbid if you dare say socialism. Unfortunately, it is not enough to talk about the capitalist pigs, and
17. P
 rofessor Yeshayahu Leibowitz (19031994): an Israeli philosopher and biochemist known for his outspoken, often controversial opinions on Judaism, ethics, religion, and politics.

alon15758_cl.indd 115

7/6/11 8:00 PM

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