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Levi Jones

Worship Theology and Practice

Reaching Out without Dumbing Down

In reading through this book, I read parts IV and V: The Culture in Our

Worship and Worship for the Sake of the Culture, respectively. In chapters 8-10,

Marva J. Dawn discusses three elements of worship and how our culture has

infiltrated and threatens to destroy their message. The three elements are: Music,

Word, and Liturgy/Sacrament. In the ongoing debate over “contemporary and

traditional” services, the message of the worship has become less substantive and

more “entertaining.” As a result, people are not transformed… and, sometimes, not

even informed. Worship has become anthropocentric, and thus egocentric, rather

than theocentric. The result is shallow spirituality that have little or not historical

roots. We are the culture of historical amnesia. However, interestingly, the

churches that are not simply finding new ways to entertain but are rather using

liturgy and biblical worship, find themselves invigorated and rejuvenated for their

mission: proclaiming the Gospel. However, Marva also argues that all forms of

worship must be measured for their effectiveness in transforming lives, including

hymns and liturgy. “Contemporary” forms of worship can be useful, but they really

must be blended. Or, as Webber would say, they must “converge” to be holistic.

In the final two chapters, Dawn focuses on the appeal and temptation of

culture on the Church. Worship is to be radically counter-cultural, not simply an

extension of culture. However, by simply embracing the performance and

entertainment as seen on television, we have essentially lost the very thing that

makes the Church attractive. The result is a Church that looks like the culture.

Thus, spirituality is an inch deep, with nothing substantial for people to take root.
The consequence has been an exodus of church-goers that find little relevance in

life for the Church. However, Dawn does want to say that this does not mean we

cannot incorporate new things in worship. But, such material must hold value for

producing Christ-like disciples, not simply providing an emotional experience that

can be interpreted as a spiritual encounter.

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