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Public Administrations Act

Bill 1: The way adulthood is determined.

Adulthood is determined by age. Everyone 18 years and older is viewed as an adult.

Bill 2: The nations Capital City is:

Deon Municipality in Northern Province.

Bill 3: Policy on incest:

Incest is illegal.

Bill 4: The professional retirement age is:

65years of age

Bill 5: The title of Head of Government:


Bill 6: Identity Card policy:

All citizens from 18years and older are issued Identity cards with Identity numbers.

Bill 7: Appointment of Premiers and Mayors:

Premiers will be elected in Provincial elections and Mayors will be elected in Municipal

Bill 8: The National Animal is the:

Red lion

Bill 9: The National sport is:


Bill 10: The National Motto is:

Together building better communities

Bill 11: National religion:

There is no national religion. All religions are equally respected.

Bill 12: Total number of seats in Parliament is:


Bill 13: The length of National, Provincial and Municipal government term is:
National- 3 months
Provincial- 1 month
Municipal- 1 month

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