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Defense Act 101

Bill 1: The government's policy concerning biological and chemical weaponry.

The government shall never develop, purchase or store biological and chemical

Bill 2: The Nations Defense industry:

Is State Owned and managed by the National Department of Defense.

Bill 3: Military stance on Homosexuality:

Homosexuality is not allowed in the military.

Bill 4: Nations policy regarding intelligence agency:

The nation has an intelligence agency that is permitted by law to undertake all types of covert
operations in other countries.

Bill 5: The governments policy towards the use of land minds in the army:
Land mines are not allowed and is illegal.

Bill 6: Discrimination in the military around race/religion:

It is not allowed. Those found guilty of discrimination may be expelled from the

Bill 7: The governments policy of separation of the police and military:

The military and police are two separate government institutions. The Military is
managed by the Department of Defense and the police is managed by the
Department of Police and Correctional services.

Bill 8: National Military Policy:

The nation retains a full time, professional army, navy and air force.

Bill 9: The government's policy concerning the use of nuclear weaponry in warfare:
The military may not use nuclear weaponry in war, unless authorized by the Chief in
Command of the army.

Bill 10: The Chief in Command of the army is:

The President of the Republic of Estro.

Bill 11: Governments policy towards the treatment of prisoners of war:

Government will treat all prisoners according to International regulations.

Bill 12: Governments Policy towards exporting weapons to other countries:

Exporting weapons to other countries is allowed.

Bill 13: Women in the military:

Women serve alongside men in the military.

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