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Bill 1: Private schools

Private schools are not allowed in Estro.

Bill 2: Education for children under adulthood:

Education is compulsory for all children. All citizens in Estro must complete
matric [Grade 12].

Bill 3: Higher institutions

Government owns all higher institutions in the country. Each Province has a
University and various collages and technical institutions.

Bill 4: Higher Education fees policy

Government awards bursaries to students who study careers/skills which the
country is short of.

Bill 5: Singing of National Anthem at schools

All schools are required to teach learners the National Anthem from Primary
School level.

Bill 6: Sexual education in schools

Sexual education is taught in all schools from Grade 5.

Bill 7: A teachers right to discipline a child:

Corporal punishment can only be used by the principal of the school.

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