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Informed Consent: Getting the Job

Please read this consent document carefully before you decide to participate in this study.
Purpose of the research study: The purpose of this study is to better understand the approaches people
use to influence others.
What you will be asked to do in the study: You will be asked to complete a brief background survey
online, then come to campus to prepare and video-record a short persuasive pitch. Trained raters will
evaluate your video in order to produce a feedback report for you and to provide detailed information
about your presentation to the researchers.
Time required: Less than one hour.
Risks and benefits: There are no known risks associated with participation in this study, though you
might feel uncomfortable or nervous being recorded. After recording your video, you will be offered the
opportunity to withdraw from the study, in which case your video will be destroyed. There is a direct
benefit to you for participating, as you will receive a report intended to improve your performance in
future presentations or interviews.
Compensation: No compensation is offered for participation, other than your feedback report.
Confidentiality: Data in this study are confidential. You will be asked to provide your name and UFID so
that we can match your surveys with your video and ensure that you receive your feedback report. Once
your participation is complete and the data are matched, this information will be removed from the data
and replaced with a random ID number. However, because your face is in the video, your participation in
this research will NOT be anonymous.
Survey data will be collected via Qualtrics, a third-party organization that stores survey responses on nonUF servers and retains backups for one year after responses are deleted. Videos will be stored on secure
UF servers or on encrypted hard drives. Both UF and Qualtrics use multiple security methods to protect
your information, but there is always a risk that the security of any data could be breached. We
recommend that you view and
for more information on your privacy/security.
Voluntary participation: Your participation in this study is completely voluntary.
Right to withdraw from the study: You have the right to withdraw from the study at any time.
Whom to contact if you have questions about the study:
Joyce Bono, Professor,
Elisabeth Gilbert, Ph.D. student,
Min-Hsuan Tu, Ph.D. student,
Department of Management, University of Florida

Whom to contact about your rights as a research participant in the study: IRB02 Office, Box
112250, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611-2250; phone (352) 392-0433.

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