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Chicken and Sweetcorn Soup

1 chicken breast fillet, skinned and diced

10ml/2tsp light soy sauce
15ml/1tbsp rice wine
1tsp cornflour
4 tbsp cold water
1tsp sesame oil
2 tbsp groundnut oil
1tsp ginger grated
1 litre chicken stock
425g creamed corn
2 eggs beaten
2-3 spring onions
225g corn kernels

1. Mince the chicken in a food processor, taking care not to over process it.
Transfer to a bowl and stir in soy sauce, rice wine, cornflour, water, sesame oil
and seasoning. Leave and cover for about 15 minutes.
2. Heat a wok over a medium heat. Add the groundnut oil and swirl it around.
Add the ginger and stir fry for a few minutes. Then add the stock, creamed
corn and corn kernels. Bring to just below boiling point.
3. Spoon around 6tbsp of the hot liquid into the chicken mixture until it forms a
smooth paste, and stir. Return to the wok. Slowly bring the liquid to the boil,
stirring constantly, then simmer for 2-3 minutes.
4. Pour the beaten eggs into the soup in a slow, steady stream using a form or
chopsticks to stir the soup in a figure of eight pattern. The egg should set in
lacy threads. Serve immediately with the spring onions sprinkled over.

Chicken Goujons- p60

Chicken Wings- p61
Chicken with Herb and Ricotta Stuffing- p145

Chicken kiev- p173

Southern Fried Chicken- p188
Oven fried Chicken- p192
Chicken Stroganov- p207
Chicken Pie- p239
Chicken and ham pie- p247

Risotto- p387

2 tbsp olive oil

225g chicken breast fillets diced
1 onion finely chopped

1 garlic glove finely chopped

tsp saffron threads
50g prosciutto
450g Arborio rice
120ml dry white wine
1.75 litres chicken stock
2tbsp butter
25g grated parmesan
Salt and pepper

1. Heat the oil in a pan and add the chicken, stirring until white.
2. Reduce the heat to low and add the onion, garlic, saffron and prosciutto. Cook
stirring until the onion is soft. Stir in the rice and sautee for 1-2 minutes,
stirring constantly.
3. Add the wine and bring to the boil. Simmer gently until almost all the wine is
4. Add the stock, a ladleful at a time, and cook until the rice is tender and the
risotto is creamy.
5. Add the butter if using, and parmesan, and stir in well. Season to taste.
Jambalaya- p394
Penne- p405
Cannelloni- p413
Ravioli p418
Korma- p442
Tandoori chicken- p459

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