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Camila Garzn Cruz- 200911827

Most of Latin American countries are characterized as inequitable nations in

health services, education, lifestyle, etc. But the question is: what is the
implicit reason under this fact? Perhaps is economic system that each country
is based on. For example Colombia is a country that has an economy based on
capitalism; the consequence of this is the big division between social classes as
running and low class and the unfair way in which each one lives. Even though
Colombia is trying to improve that, the quality of lifestyle is still poor. This is
rooted in the educational system which is evident in the huge gap between
private and public education, both in quality and the access of it. This is
because if someone doesnt have the economic possibility to study or to study
in a good school, he/she wont ever have the possibility to get a worthy salary
and it generates a cycle of poverty. For this reason this essay wants to contrast
the inequality education of the privates and publics schools in Colombia and
how it depends of the social class that each person owns.
Privates school
between criticizes the quality, the price and the educational environment
this is very clear in the education system

So the principle reason because the social services are unfair in Colombia is the
inequitable in the social classes salary?
its quality of lifestyle the social services are in their attention giving
Because of this any person could had the biggest or the smallest house never
payment or the ranking that they have in a company or the part job that any
of them have.
Almost all Latin American economy is based on capitalism; one of the countries
that use this economy is Colombia

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