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Romeo: Son of Montague who falls in love with Juliet

Montague: Head of the family who is at war with the Capulets and father to Romeo
Lady Montague: Wife to Lord Montague and mother to Romeo
Mercutio: A kinsman to the prince and a friend to Romeo
Benvolio: A gentle and peace-loving young man who is nephew to Montague and a fr
iend to Romeo
Balthasar: A loyal friend and servant to Romeo
Abram: A servant of the Montague family
Juliet: Daughter of Capulet who falls in love with Romeo
Tybalt: A fiery tempered young man who is the nephew of Lady Capulet and cousin
to Juliet
Capulet: Head of the family who is at war with the Montagues and father to Julie
Lady Capulet: Wife to Lord Capulet and mother to Juliet
Nurse: A witty nurse and friend to Juliet
Sampson: A servant of the Capulet family
Gregory: A servant of the Capulet family
Peter: A servant to Juliet s nurse
Chorus: Introduces the play, and sets scene in Acts I and II
Paris: Kinsman to the prince and a young nobleman who asks for Juliet s hand in ma
Escalus: The prince of Verona
Friar Laurence: A Franciscan friar who marries the lovers in hopes of making pea
ce with the two warring families
Friar John: A Franciscan friar who was entrusted with an important letter to Rom
Apothecary: A poor druggist in Mantua who sells poison to Romeo
Page: A servant to Paris

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