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Architects in ancient Egypt were considered people who performed the great dream

s of the Pharaohs. They had a range of workers around them, such as scribes and
people who made measurements of the construction sites. Any type of construction
involved a large logistics and planning which is still covered by leading Egypt
No major archeologically proven resources, the architecture pyramids, temples an
d obelisks remains a great mystery.

most common architecture in ancient Egypt were temples. They had inspired de
in the Egyptian countryside. Papyrus, lotus flowers and palm trees were some
them. The entry of the temples was usually done by paths containing esfinges
both sides. The temples were huge and were usually supported by columns.

But undoubtedly the most beautiful and impressive architectural masterpieces of

Pharaonic period were the pyramids. The step pyramid or staggered was a masterpi
ece conceived by the most famous architect of ancient Egypt; Imhotep for Pharaoh
Djoser in the third dynasty. Before Imhotep the resting place of the pharaohs w
ere the mastabas.
After the step pyramid, there were others with different formats. See more about
pyramids clicking here. It was the fourth dynasty that changed the design of th
e pyramids, giving the traditional pyramids we know today. The most famous repre
sentatives of this architecture are the pyramids of Giza complex.

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