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1869. Puxron Lier or MaTAnLio CARTRIDGES «1869. Union, Metallic Cartridge Company; or DRDGuPORT, cr. i 1 No. 28 .@ $5 87 per Thousnnd, Adapted to Smith & Worson's No. 1, Rollin White, Sharp's No. 1, Ruper> \ Tua tahoe daoot Sti, Bilas vente Cate competes | ‘a Stugleaet Pils ant Rie i @ 880 * Adapted tn aoe’ aed Ba! Rarlrom | Xn on ‘eam [cepted to Shap He. © apd Sngloavee Pale Ras Show Ethan Aone th Wasn't’ Piteshor ant f. Wesode nd Kes Singlosko! Bute Adapted ta Smith & Wearva No, 2, Ponds No.2, Single Shot Pita, and ‘Wesson aad Bailar Riis. Nn A Shot aio ‘Admpted to Weston’ anid Ball's Ries, Ro, 9 Limgecisncsnett 17 50 ‘Adaplod to Dalles, Weana' and B, Allen & Coe Ife Nn al @ 15 00 ‘Adnpted t» Netona! Derringer and the Wibiamices’ Pst, Neo if tlenry Daintodees? 200 Adapted tothe Henry or Winchester Cerbie nd Bite, [Ne A enna aL 00 |Adupunl t the Henry or Winchester Cartine aid Bid, Bi tang fe ‘Adapted to F. Wenwon's, Ballaré’a en. Allen & Co's Howant ifs, No. it Shot 7 a1 ‘Adapted to Pistols of 44 Calle, Sn Hawandex bout 220 ‘Adapted to sh Howard Hi mR Adapted to Remingtor'a 8 & W.Moialie Cartsiige Army Revalvee ca ea ‘Alnplod to Reaningion’s Army Carbine, na Ballard Kontecky Iie, Ni 6 Mond este “ Adapted w Henmond Carbine Soh Calle, 1, " ‘Alnpted to Bresorrs Byrting Rite ode ‘Adapted to Spencer MUitary Cubine fe alan ‘Adapted to Byoncor Nave Medel Miltary Rit My ‘Adapted t Spnncer', Batlan’s aud Joeya's Cabince | So. 3—0 Grain Adaptad t» Posbods's Sporting Ride PAN Giron se [Adapted t9 Peabody's Munkots ZO (teh ct ‘Adaptod to Remington's Nuskots, | Nod Cnrnat Fine e " [Adaptad to Roatan Musket, manufretnned by “Cote Patent Fie Armin | Xe. name tnmiyionnd® 4 - [Adapted to Ressngons Spanish Tie. 1 Nao Cinenal Fine. ‘Alay to Remiogion’s Central Fixe Rite 1 Sam ‘Adapted to 0. 8 Brocel-Toading Nonko's, | sa. ss ” . ‘Adnptet (o Remington’ ang Peabedy's Transformed Springtold end | ‘fleld Munkete No. 10 2Gane Heme shell Adpted to Central Fire Breech tending Shot (una Frensh Des Broek Cape, tn ou.0® $976 pet Thousas.) darted to Mobert'sSxloon Rides and Piao Pig scree le Adapted to Floberts Saloon Kides and Pistols IA 1 ep FOIL-LINED WATERPROOF DOUBLE WATERPROOF CENTRAL FIRE CAPS. antry has been obliged to ogond pen fereign-mnade yerension cape, of the Letter quality, for sporting purpamey Moras nny! manitietnting ema whic wn gruaeenine toe wan! ta the best imports and will prove the tee in the sabe hese ZA tae sis Double Waterproef Central Fie, [0 Kenda in Ulin ore Market Cape 4 Lyle Waterprooe Conteal ite..b co hw "Thete ane pat vpn lois of 100 nad 250 each, properly Inbtod and amortod Sa say sorssjmading to the Eaglisly aur to. sho muy MUSKET CAPS, put up in boxes of 19 a 25 ewe, SOMUYLER, HARTLEY & GRATAM, 19 Maiden Lane and 22 John 8troot, NEW YORK. 44-FUT IE Hammond Cam vise A4-LOKE 4a SHORT 44 EX, UC \ston's Maskete, sheet Union Metallic Cartridge Coy BRIDGEPORT, conn. THESE CUTS REPRESENT THE EXACT SIZE OF EACH CARTRIDGE.

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