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Respect your classmates, your teacher, and your classroom.

Do not talk when someone else has the floor. Feel free to
courteously share your ideas with the class. We all learn
from each other.
No question asked sincerely is ever a dumb question.
Have books, notebook paper and pen or pencil available
when the bell rings. I will not tolerate stragglers.
Upcoming quiz/test dates and assignment due dates are
posted on the board. Check it every day!
Written homework assignments are due at the beginning of
the assigned class. Written work assigned to be done in
class is due when class ends (not the next day)!
The grade you EARN is the grade you will receive. Do not
ask me to give you points or extra credit at the end of the
grading period. You will have every opportunity to EARN
your grade.
Please attend to personal needs restroom visits, locker
visits, grooming and drinks of water before coming to class.
No iPods, cell phones, or other distracting items in class.
Dress code is in effect at all times.
I will not tolerate insensitive or inappropriate remarks out
loud or in writing.

We will read the following novels this year:

The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton

The Pigman by Paul Zindel
Anne Frank: Diary of a Young Girl
Excerpt from Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes
Stuck in Neutral by Terry Trueman

We will also cover the following topics throughout

the year:
Grammar and conventions
Short stories
Vocabulary study
Greek mythology

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