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Bram Stoker’s Dracula

By Charlie Bawab


Nominated for 8 Academy awards

Winner of 3 Academy Oscars:

• Best costume designer (Eiko Ishioka)

• Best effects and sound editing (David E Stone)
• Best makeup (Greg Cannom)

Worldwide release date: 11.13.1992

Genre: Horror, romance
Director: Francis Ford Coppola
Written by: James V Hart
Cast: Anthony Hopkins (Prof. Van Helsing)
Keanu Reeves (Jonathan Harker)
Wynona Ryder (Mina Harker)
Gary Oldman (Vlad/Draculea)

A young lawyer (Jonathan Harker), is assigned to a gloomy village in eastern Europe. He is then
captured and imprisoned by the undead Count Dracula who, fascinated by a photograph of
Harker’s fiancée; Mina, travels to London to meet her, as she seems to be the living image of his
late wife, and to begin a reign or seduction and terror.

The major departure from Stoker is one of motivation as Count Dracula (Gary Oldman) is
motivated more by romance than by bloodlust. He punctures the necks as a means of avenging
the death of his wife in the 15th century.

Francis Ford Coppola has meticulously calculated every single element of the making of this
film, from the spectacular special effects (such as the blue infernos and green mists, or the
sudden transformations from old to young Prince Vlad) to the amazing costume designs that
remind you of Samurai armors and imperial Japanese robes), and the music captivates your mind
and draws you into the macabre ambiance of the set.

This film rendition is by far the best one will ever see of Dracula. Gary Oldman’s dark and
sensual personae outshines any other vampire who ever dare put on a cape. He becomes his
character. Oldman set the bar so high for his role, he draws the audience to his darkness and
passion until the end.

Francis Ford Coppola is brilliant. This is the spirit of the vampire.


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