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The American people are very proud of their heritage, culture and history, as are

most citizens of other nationalities.

Next Friday, July 4, 2014, The USA celebrates its 238 th year of independence from
England. As a Venezuelan citizen, what does the idea of liberty, freedom of
speech mean to you?
Compare these freedoms and liberties you experience in the USA, to those that
exist or do not exist in Venezuela.

In Venezuelan, The ex-President Hugo Chavez came into power with the
promise of allowing direct participation to the Venezuelan people; who have now formed
tens of thousands communal councils. He shut down Globovision Televisin, the last
remaining independent television station broadcasting on public airwaves in the country.
Two years ago, the government closed RCTV, Venezuelas largest television station, a
move that sparked the successful student movement to reject Chvezs constitutional
referendum to consolidate his socialist project. The government now claims that the
private press is similar to terrorism, is repulsive to the public and has had closed close
more than 240 radio stations. These is an assault on the press and on other basic civil,
political, and economic liberties. Also constitutionally we have the right to free speak, to
have different ideas and the right to protest. Sadly the government want a unique
thought, that is why they are closing televisions, radios or others medias who ideas are
The contrast between Venezuela and the United States are many. For example
Venezuela has more insecurities than the United States. One of the many reasons that
my family and I came to the United States is because my parents were always worried
every time I would go to a party, or go out with my friends. They would never sleep
because they were always worried about me, and whether I was safe or not.

Also in Venezuela the law arent fallow. In the other hand in USA if you break the
rule you are going to have a fine. That is why in the USA the rules are so strict, because
the government want to protect the freedom and the liberty they won after 4 th of July.
The insecurity levels in Venezuela are so high that they are considered the
number one country with the most murders per year than any other country. Unlike the
USA the percentage of murders are really low; in fact, the United States is one of the
safes countries in the world.
Another aspect of Freedom Liberty between these two countries are
Venezuelans do not really have an Own space or Privacy concept. In other word, is
about necessity to have certain contact with people. This also reflected why
Venezuelans maintain their relationships with others. Keeping constantly in contact,
visiting family or friends, making reunion parties, and gathering together are very
common things between Venezuelans. This happens a little different in USA when they
need their own personal space. They maintain a certain distance with other people,
even with family and friends. And they are not used to do these kinds of things.
In addiction In Venezuela, traditions and memorial dates are valued in a special
way, because they show a lot from our culture and heritage, similar to The United
States. Obviously, they do not celebrate these events the same way, but both countries
care about historical and cultural facts that reflect and show how life has been and
is. There is only a difference and is that Venezuelans try to maintain the presence of
traditions from the past day by day, trying to incorporate them in our modern life. In
contrast, Americans celebrate traditions only in a certain day of the year, and they do
not care too much about them in their day by day because they are constantly focused
on the future, but they are still an important element of their culture

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