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Our ongoing poor state of health is of great concern especially given development of

further worrying symptoms.

However to find some place to live seems paramount and continuing the endless look
at rentals which even when "deal almost sealed" seem snatched away from us.
Likely that house hunting would be successful if we were willing to move from what
has always been our city, our neighborhood, i.e. Member of Parliament, Gerry
Brownlee's electorate.
As members of his electorate, we have for many years requested a meeting with Mr.
Brownlee regarding our plight.
Made further personal approach to Mr. Brownlee during street corner political rally
prior to last elections (November 2008). A mention of our issues and the police
involvement meant Mr. Brownlee insisted we make an urgent appointment with him,
he took names to ensure there was follow-up. That conversation was followed minutes
later by a member of his entourage (security/protection), a grey-suited man whom
was present at his other rallies, approaching another listener. The two spoke
supposedly out of sight round corner then approached me and suggested have to be
careful about what I say, "causing trouble that could end up going through family court
system and could lose my child and get very nasty". Mr. Brownlee was unaware of
conversation at that time.
One of these persons directed me to his car, pointed to law books in back seat, saying
he had some connection with the law and suggested I only confide in him then dropped
me off at my gate, seemingly not requiring direction. This man wrote down his name
and number- Mr. Belcher. I made no contact with him.
Attempts to get that meeting with Mr. Brownlee (third in line in our National
Government) have continued for over three years to no avail.
We have written formal letters as requested. We have now found ourselves forceably
evicted from our rental home of eleven years and are finding it impossible to rent
another property in same area.
The process we went through to be turned out of our rental home was in itself illegal
and there was much bullying and intimidation.
However collusion by the many authorities involved meant we had no ability to fight
the unfairness despite rules to protect tenants in such circumstances. Again we saw
the laws of this land did not apply to us.
Sadly the only rental history we have is with this family whom now are our sole
We provide the following information/correspondence leading to our predicament- see
following letters.

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