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Movement from extreme long shot to medium close up of the

ending of the football match, whilst, the match is going on credits
are also playing of the actors, lighting, camera.

AMAR: 30 seconds left. Last goal wins lads.

Camera then moves to the football match and a goal is scored.

Celebration by the goal winner.

Amar exist in scene 1. Groups of friends leave the park where
they were playing football and approach on to the pavement
walking home as a group. Camera angle is long/medium shot with
diegetic sound of the friends talking amongst them selves.

DIPEN:oh! did you hear about the psycho

IBZ:yea yea! i heard that he was isolated and was a loner when
he was a child. This affected him to an extreme level.
RAHUL:yea and what ?!?
IBZ: apparently hes all grown up and now "let out free" soo he is
taking revenge.
JAMAL: what's that supposed to mean?
IBZ: basically he targets friendship groups cause he envy's them.
Raji: that's a bit twisted
Nikhil: ohhh ... he's going to take one of us(sarcastic)
JAMAL: okay lad's I'm of
IBZ: oii...Jamal, watch out ...

Group of friends exist at scene 2. Camera focuses on Jamal
turning into a narrow road. Non- diegetic sound appears.

JAMAL: stupid headphones

Carries on walking. Diegetic sound of footsteps appear. Jamal

turns around and the footsteps stop, he then carries on walking
but hears the footsteps again and turns around for the second
time but once again sees nothing. As Jamal walks again he hears
the footsteps for the third time and turns around. However this
time Jamal sees the psycho and a gun placed to his forehead, as
the camera turn towards the psycho applying the 180 degree
rule, the camera stops as it is about to approach his face and a
gun shot is heard. Then appearing the main title.

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