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The Big Question According to Jim Burke in his recent book What's the Big Idea, every book or story provides the answer to a life question, a solution to a problem, or a lesson to be learned. For example: To Kill a Mockingbird asks several questions: ¢ What makes a person inherently good or evil? ¢ Why do we tend to hurt the helpless or weak members of society? ¢ Why is it important to stand in another man’s shoes? Great Expectations brings up several big ideas: © What is more important, loyalty or ambition? Is it truly possible to change? ¢ What defines family and does family loyalty always come first? .. and hopefully by the end of the novel you are able to answer these questions or at least have an opinion. Using The Book Thief, come up with three “big ideas” that are bigger than just the story. Think about the overall theme and/or message being presented. Write those ideas on your notecard. One notecard per group. Be sure that all group members name is on it.

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