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Computers were first conceived in 1822, originally only used as a tool for a quick

counter called a difference engine. After that in 1833 Charles Babbage's difference
engine develops further with the concept of a more profound and general. This
machine can perform any calculations, so that the machine for the first time this is
known as a general-purpose digital computer called the analytical engine.
In 1937, Prof. Howard Aikem, a start designing and developing the production of a
computer that can perform arithmetic and logic operations automatically.
Computers are designed to Prof. Howard initially only electronic mechanical. Then
with the help of IBM company, which is an electronic company which is now also a
computer company in 1944, the design of computer electronically resolved. The
computer named "Harvard Mark I Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator
(ASCC)". Quite complicated indeed, but that is the forerunner of the computer itself.

In 1948, start the discovery of the transistor, it is the forerunner of all electronic
goods have drastically smaller size. No exception to the previous notabennya
computer has a super large size. In 1956 the transistor began to be used on
computers that make computers work faster, saving, and small. Start various big
companies use computers to support processing of financial information.
In 1958 Jack Kilby developed the integrated circuit (IC: integrated circuit). IC
combined three electronic components in a small silicon disc made of quartz sand.
Scientists later managed to fit more components into a single chip, called a
semiconductor. The result is a smaller computer, because some of the functions of
the components have been taken over by the IC.
Computers more years of growing, and eventually formed the name of processors
found in 1971. After that, the computer becomes increasingly small, because a lot
of the components are put together and its role was replaced by the processor. After
that, along with the development of computers, was discovered LAN for data
transmission efficiency, sharing devices, or others. After expanding from year to
year, now the computer become as we see today.

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