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Murase 1

Yuna Murase
Professor Jackie
English 113A
September 3, 2015
Important to write shitty
According to Bird by Bird (1994) by Anne Lamott, the shitty first draft leads the
way to write clear second and third drafts. People tend to think the great writers always can
write terrific essays even though they write it for the first time. However, most of them write
the shitty first draft as normal people do. For example, in Annes case, she writes any
childish sentences in the first draft, because no one is going to see it. When she wrote food
reviews for California magazine, she wrote everything down and then, on the following
week, she rewrote it. First she seemed to be panicked and considered herself awful, but
eventually, her answers came. Always the shitty first draft goes better ad turn out fine, so
after she knows it, she can trust her.

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