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On the uniquely beautiful island of Flores is the Kelimutu National Park, where

the famous Mount Kelimutu volcano resides with its striking tri-colored lakes
resting in its caldera.
Mount Kelimutu, with its tri-colored crater lakes, is probably the most
amazing natural phenomenon in Flores. Beyond that, the steaming mountain is
also the islands most famous tempat angker, or mystical, haunted place.
A popular myth suggests that the changing colors is caused by the
neglected ancestral souls. The scientific community chalks it up to discoloration
by sunlight and the varying mineral contents of the water from Kelimutu volcanic
Scientific explanations aside, there are many myths about the origin of Kelimutu.
This is one of the reasons why Mount Kelimutu was, and still is a sacred place for
the local people. Over the years, the three crater lakes have often changed color.
At present, one of the lakes is black-brown, one is green, and one is currently
changing from green to a reddish color. A reason may be the varying mineral
contents of the water. Another explanation suggests that the changing colors are
caused by the neglected ancestral souls.

The first lake is named Tiwu Ata Mbupu (lake of the ancestors' souls );
the second is named Tiwu Nuwa Muri Koo Fai (lake of young peoples souls)
and the third is called Tiwu Ata Polo (lake of evil spirits).

The first and second lakes are situated close together; while the third lake is
about 1.5km to the west. Kelimutu is a beautiful place at any time of the day.

However, the best time to enjoy this magical place is in the early morning when
the clouds havent yet covered the view. Many visitors prefer to see the sunrise.

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