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Luis Calzadillas

Calzadillas 1

Professor Jackie
English 113a
2 September 2015

The Turn up
The music and chips were calling to go to the party. They all knew he wanted to go, but
also knew that he was getting tooth surgery today to remove the tooth from going crazy and
growing out of my eyeballs, it had to be fixed. The deal that had been made was if he felt better
after his surgery then hed be able to attend. The surgery was a success ! He was still in a lot of
pain and had no gain of consciousness, but it was worth it to go to his friends birthday party later
that day. His mom took him to the party, but on the way there he realized THE PARK!, the
deal was that if he was able to run back and forth from the park then hed be fine. With the
struggle of trying to get out of the car, his mom had the seatbelt to keep him strapped in. They ate
at Jack In the Box that day, the son started crying and kept begging to go to the park but the mom
said no. She was annoyed and embarrassed, finally after all the effort, the kid ended up at the

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