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Grandea Suzana Elena

Prof.Ioana Zirra
Practical Course

The beefburger
By Ogden Nash
The ambiguous language of this block and short poem makes most of its
readers wonder what is the idea that the author tried to express and why
is this poem compelling.
To begin with,I believe that the topic Nash chose is really
unexpected:what the writer did was to express his concerns about the
incorrect use of the words in a particular language and tried to correct
excesses;therefore,beefburger may serve as an example which helps
Nash reveal his indignation,exasperation and irritation relating to his
intense, pure hatred for coined phrases,messy and imprecise language.
Though Nash showed his frustration by means of exaggeration and
appeared really furious about the gap between how people use some
words and what they actually mean,there was no other alternative than to
agree that people have no choice but to accept the use of invented
words,because this is one of those things that motivates and defines
Furthermore,the irony of the writer is to be taken into consideration.Nash
criticized people who invented phrases;he did nothing but complain in

ironically witty way about his annoyance for these misleading

words.Annoyance also, is conveyed through the tone of the poem,which

is one of agitation;vituperation is also transmitted through the swear
words that are utilized.
To my mind,the aim of this poem was to make readers understand the
uselessness of such words like beefburger or of some other devised
words which are seen as the enemies of the society.Also,I do strengthen
my belief that this poem is stressing the clash between the idealistic
poems and mundane subjects(beefburger).

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