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Photo Magazine Article

Name _____________________________

There are 3 issues of PNDEDU magazine in the room. Select one issue and find an article that interests you the
most. You will be reading this article using the steps below as a reading strategy. Please follow along step by
step. After you are finished with step # 1 you can move onto step #2, then step #3!

STEP 1: Skim the Article

Write here what it means to skim an article (based on class discussion)
Answer these questions as you are skimming your article:
1. Specific Information (what are some things that stand out to you that tell you what the article is about?)

2. Relate to prior knowledge (is there anything that stands out to you that you have seen before, or that
we have talked about in class?)

3. Establish Purpose (based on skimming can you determine why this article was written?)

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