7 Ways of Living423423234

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Aim for 4.0 GPA/CGPA
(work harder for each subject, dun give up easily)
Improve skills/learn more new stuffs
(explore new stuffs, join societies, be active)
Being alone makes u stronger
(never allow yourself to feel bad and regret,
appreciate yourself, you are responsible for your
past, present, future)
Stop thinking of girls & love
(time will come to you, dont be desperate just
because everyone is in relationship, stop being
over attached it makes you weak)
Let it go
(stop condemning people, if anything makes you
unhappy just let it go)
Be kind/helpful/always smile
(stop being senju, try to help people ,be a good
Stop being negative/no imagining bad stuff
(Dont feel bad about yourself, u r alive for a
reason use it, stop thinking bout revenge,let it go)

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