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Life Map Rubric





Not Proficient (1pt)

Most frames do not
exhibit neatness, and
there is an overall lack
of color.

Partially Proficient (2pts)

Proficient (3pts)
Most frames are somewhat All frames are drawn and
detailed, and there is a lack colored neatly (stick
of color.
figures are fine).

Student presents less

than 4 frames in final
Most frames are
missing captions.

Student displays 4-5 frames,

but does not meet minimum
requirement of 6 frames.
Most frames have captions,
but more are required.

Student presents 6 frames

in final product.

Student does not

provide a written
description of why they
chose specific events.

Student provides a written

description, but it does not
meet the minimum, 1
paragraph requirement.

Student provides a 1
paragraph description
detailing why they chose
specific events for their life

Written portions of
Written portions of
assignment (captions
assignment (captions and
and description) show a description) show a lack of
lack of understanding in understanding in mechanics.
mechanics. Complete Complete sentences are not
sentences are not used, used, and/or there are
and/or there are more multiple mistakes in spelling,
than 5 mistakes in
punctuation, and grammar.
spelling, grammar, and

Every frame has a caption

that describes the event
taking place.

Written portions of
assignment (captions and
description) exhibit good
understanding of
mechanics. All portions
use complete sentences,
and there are fewer than 3
mistakes in spelling,
punctuation, and/or


Above Proficient (4pts)

All frames are drawn and
colored neatly. Author
also attempts
professional artistic
techniques (i.e.
depth, realism, etc.).
Student presents 7 or
more frames in final
All frames have a
caption. The captions are
vivid and descriptive,
sensory details may be
used to help the reader.
Student provides a
written description longer
than the 1 paragraph
requirement. The written
portion is very detailed
and specific.
Written portions of
assignment (captions and
description) exhibit
excellent understanding
of mechanics. All portions
use complete sentences,
and there is only 1
mistake in spelling,
punctuation, or grammar.


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