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Understanding Your Schools Technology Culture

I. Technological Capacity and Capabilities

1. What kind of technology is available to you?
We have computer labs, classroom laptop cart sets that we can check out, we all have
smartboards, internet, IPads, projectors, microscopes, and students can bring in their own
Physics classrooms are stocked with all kinds of tech including miniature computers that can
connect with all kinds of measuring devices (we have force probes, accelerometers, and more).
These devices can also sync with computers for graphing/data analysis and students phones
via apps.

2. What internet capability is available?

East High has extremely fast internet however some sites are blocked like Facebook and

3. How is computer and internet access provided? Dispersed computers? 1

to 1? Labs? Can students use their own equipment?
Two wireless internet networks are available for both students and staff. One is internet-only
and is primarily used for guests and students. The other network requires ASD credentials and
allows teachers and administrators to access printers, smartboards, copiers, and other wifienabled technology.
Some computers are in rooms via ethernet, chromebook carts to be checked out by students
and/or classes, there are 5 labs with 1 computer per student.

4. What kinds of filters are in place, and how do they restrict what you
might want to do?
East High School uses the Anchorage School Districts proprietary filter. It prevents access to
popular social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, etc. These filters could
potentially restrict my access to videos on Youtube or Vimeo that I may want to use for class.

5. If resources like social media are blocked, are there intranet options?
Are there ways to get special permission to use blocked resources?
You can bypass the block with teacher credentials.

6. Who has the specialty gear (cameras, scanners, etc.) and can you use
Faith in the library, has copiers, scanners, cameras. Check it out from her.

7. What is your best sense of the technology that your students have at
home? To what extent can you expect them to have access to technology
and internet access outside school to work on school projects?
Most students seem to have access to basic word processing technology and printing at home.
Thus far, students havent had trouble typing/printing homework assignments. It seems that
nearly every student has access to a computer with internet as well, in addition to smartphones
with data.
Brian has had a student who explained he could not do an assignment because of lack of
computers/smartphones at home.

II. Leadership and Policies

8. Does your school have a mission statement and an educational
technology plan? If so, when were they last updated? Attach them or
provide a link to them from your blog.
The mission of East Anchorage High School is to provide an environment where
students will learn and demonstrate the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and ethics
necessary to become successful members of society.

East High has BYOD policy states that you a student can bring their electronic devices to school
and use them during their own free time.

9. Are missions and plans used and generally valued at school? Do you
use them?
East High supports teachers in using new technology. There is a full time IT support employee
here on campus to troubleshoot and assist in development. Technology is valued here at East.

10. Do the missions and plans address the issues of digital citizenship, or
of developing a balanced view of technology adoption?
East High provides technology classes to students to increase technology literacy.
electronical devices arent banned here like they are at other schools. Most classrooms
have updated technology and often, teachers apply for grants to update their classrooms
with new classroom technology.

11. Is technology well-funded at your school? Do you see signs of

technology rotation, professional development and on-going maintenance
of existing equipment?
Technology is not very well funded at East High. With well over 2,000 students, its the largest
school in Alaska. Yet theres only one dedicated tech support staff member whos responsible
for virtually every aspect of tech in our school. Most of the equipment is very old; many staff
computers and student netbooks are between 5-10 years old. However, Mr. Brong works very

hard to maintain them and they seem to work well. He frequently updates software and replaces
batteries to keep things running smoothly.

12. Does your school have Internet use and parent permission policies?
When were they last updated? Attach them or provide a link to them from
your blog updated within last year or two based on other parts of document,
but who know how long this part has been regurgitated.
Computer/Internet Use Students are required to complete and adhere to the Internet and
Electronic Mail Student Agreement form before access to school computers will be
authorized. Inappropriate actions by students may result in loss of computer privileges
and/or sanctions. Inappropriate actions include, but may not be limited to, accessing
Internet sites/printing information which may be considered degrading, demeaning,
sexual, or derogatory, sending or receiving inappropriate/dangerous mail, etc.
1st OffenseLoss of Internet/computer privileges for 90 days Parent Conference after 90 days
2nd Offense Loss of Internet/computer privileges for 180 days/ contract for future use
For either the first or subsequent offenses, the student may also be suspended from school,
withdrawn/failing from class, recommended for expulsion from school, and/or subject to
arrest from APD.

13. Has your school adopted or established competencies for students?

When were they last updated? Attach them or provide a link to them from
your blog.
Students are given access to google apps and they are given a login. Every year they
are updated.

14. Who are the ed tech leaders within your school? Does your school
have an ed tech committee? Is it active? What are its responsibilities?
Tom Bronga is our full time tech support guy who is very helpful in the building. All
students are set up with google accounts and login information for internet and computer. There
are a lot of teachers who were formerly employed in the technology industry and help out in
their departments when colleagues have questions.

15. Who are the student leaders in technology? Are there programs that
allow them to use their expertise to help teachers and other students? Are
there special programs that allow them to pursue their interests?
East High as a Tech Club for students. They provide tech support and training to both
teachers and students throughout the school. They taught Andy how to download and utilize the
software necessary to use his smartboard.
There are also clubs like Robotics, and science club that increase technological literacy.

16. Are community members involved in regards to using technology in

your school?
No, the technology at East High is only available to staff and students.

17. If something breaks, who fixes it? How do you contact them? Are
corrective and on-going maintenance well supported?
Tom Bronga is the only dedicated technology support staff member at East High.
Previously, there were a handful of folks who worked in tech support under Tom, but those
positions have been axed due to budget cuts. There were also teachers who would help out
with tech support, but theyre no longer available.
Mr. Bronga has a fantastic reputation for staying on top of the school's equipment and
keeping things running smoothly. We interact with him frequently and hes helped us out with
many things, from fixing broken Netbooks and gaining access to the schools networks, to
setting up printers and checking out staff laptops.

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