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Beginning a formal business speech is no different than any other speech or presentation.

1. With a SINCERE SMILE, the speaker should start by courtesly greeting their
audience, "Good morning", "Good afternoon", or "Good evening".
2. Next, the speaker should clearly say their name, i.e., "My name is Charles Boyd."
Note: If you aren't a celebrity, or world famous, you should still say your name
again, even if you are introduced. Saying your name personalizes you, and affords
you some time to focus your thoughts on your speech.
3. If you are about to begin your speech and you notice and people are still entering
the room, or the audience is resettling themselves after a short break, you would
do well to not immediately jump directly into your subject matter. A better
decision would be to tell the audience how delighted you are to speak to them
about an important matter near and dear to your heart, and how you appreciate
their attendance for such an important moment. Scan the room while you are
speaking and be sure to make eye-to-eye contact with your audience. This action
alone will strengthen your confidence and attract your listeners into your message.
4. Once you are ready to 'officially' begin (the room has settled), you should launch
into your speech with passion and conviction. There are precious few moments
when it comes to public speaking. To waste any of those moments is to do a
disservice to your speech and the audience's time.

So to wrap up: How does one start a business formal speech? "Good morning, my name
is Charles Boyd. I'm appreciative of your attendance today. The subject I wish to talk
about is very important to me, and by the end of my talk with you, I believe you'll feel the

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