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In order to maintain a good recognition, the management has to do every possible aspect
in maintaining the qualities of the lecturers. One of the main evaluations done at the college is
getting an anonymous student feedback at the end of each module at the end of the semester and
getting an overall summary of the students viewpoints regarding the lecturers teaching. In order
to get a productive feedback, the college has prepared a questionnaire to be filled by the students
which covers the key points regarding a lecture. Up to now, this task was done manually with the
usage of papers and pens. This has many drawbacks and evaluating this hand written forms is a
difficult process. But this is the online-era, where everything is online, this is the time to make
the student feedback system online. Developing effective mechanisms for feedback collection in
learning environments is particularly important at the frontiers of new knowledge .Valuing and
asking for feedback has recognized benefits for both staff and students. For Staff to provide
information for course design to further develop teaching skills as well as to provide better
service to the students. For Students to feel valued and 'listened' to have ownership in their own
learning to develop reflective thinking to be better informed in selecting a course/module.
As some research shows that students evaluations of teaching are generally reliable and valid. In
order to minimize the effects of those variables known to impact upon students evaluations, care
should be taken to ensure that students remain anonymous and that lecturers are not present
during administration of any feedback mechanisms used. The purpose of the evaluation should
also be clearly explained to students and information should be provided regarding the plans for
relaying information to students following the analysis of their feedback. The choice of method
and feedback instrument depends very much on what we want to know and why we want to
know it. So online feedback system would be helpful to satisfy all the above mentioned
suggestions and it helps to get a genuine opinion of the student about the staffs.
Murachs PHP/MySQL:2nd edition Mike Murach
PHP & Mysql Web Development, All-In-One Desk Reference For Dummies by Janet Valade
with Tricia Ballad and Bill Ballad
PHP and MySQL Web Development, Sams; Third edition, by Luke Welling, Laura Thomson.

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