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Minutes for Celebrating Cromford

meeting held at The Boat,

Tuesday 7th Sept, 2015
7.30 pm.

Present: Marie & Paul Turner, John Haynes, Tony Walker, John and Clarice Pass, Lorraine Mountford, Ian
and Sylvia Evetts, Dave Mitchell, Dave Mountford (part-time), Isabelle Chatfield, Ann Taylor-Wilde, Russ
Apologies: Nigel Huish, Chris Bastin

1. Welcome. On behalf of the group, the chair welcomed Russ and Ann and
thanked them for attending.
2. Dave Mountford told us of charity fund raising plans. He is cycling from Vietnam
to Cambodia from 5th-15th March 2016. This will be a gruelling 400km cycle
challenge in support of the Anthony Nolan Fund. CC will assist by promoting his
3. Secretary. Nigel Huish has agreed to take on secretary role however cannot
guarantee attendance at all meetings. John Haynes, Tony Walker and Ian Evetts
offered to share minute taking duties in his absence
4. Donations. Donations of 50 have been made to Blue Cross Animal Rescue
(instead of fees for the Dancing Dogs), Midlands Air Ambulance (ditto) and to
the first Cromford Produce Show. We have also received a letter of thanks from
the Cromford Cricket Club for our assistance at their 150th celebration and
subsequent charitable donation
5. Cromford Produce Show. Dave Mitchell and John Haynes reported that this
was a success with over 170 entries from 37 people. The event was very well
received and enjoyed by all. Thanks were given to all judges and volunteers.
The banner will be stored and reused for next year. It was possible to make a
small donation to the Community Centre.
6. The group collectively expressed sadness and regret at the death of Steve
7. Tour of Britain. The Tour of Britain visits Cromford on Friday. Much discussion
ensued. It was agreed that bunting would be put up by 2 groups who will collect

the bunting from underneath The Boat at 2pm on Weds 9th and Thurs 10th. The
bunting will be put up at a low level and taken down at 5.00 on Friday. It is also
planned to give the Cromford Dragon an outing by the sign for The Bell Inn,
clad in a yellow t-shirt with a cycling helmet. John Haynes will contact Jean
Bennett with a view to laying out a Celebrating Cromford sign on her lawn to
attract the helicopter. Isabelle will contact Liz Foster to see if Cromford Primary
will be allowed to watch the race from the bottom of North St. Would anyone
who takes any photos please email them to for
use on the website.
8. Marquee booking for 20th Sept. The marquee has been booked for a
Wirksworth Community Celebration event on Sun 20th Sept. It is to be located at
Stoney Wood, Middleton Rd. People who are able to help should meet at Nigels
at 10.00 on Sun. 20th Sept. Take down will probably be later on the same day.
Rental is expected to be 150. Dave Dempster has kindly offered to assist with
loading, erection and use of his van
9. Apple Day 17th October. Booking of the additional press from Melbourne
Transition Group has been confirmed. Ian will collect and return. Dave Mitchell
confirmed use of his press and Rick is planning to attend with his beam press.
DM will also confirm booking with Ripley Morris Men, or, if they are not available,
the Ripley Green Garters. Ted has booked music. Ian will produce a poster and
put it up around the place esp. The Boat. Competitions will be: Best Pie, Best
pudding, Best preserve, and junior entries in all these. Also longest peel 2
classes, one with scalpel, one with any other sort of knife, heaviest home grown
apple, and apple stacking. Lorrain will ring the ECOcentre. Marie will contact Ian
and Katie Brooks to see if they plan to attend and sell crepes. Paul will provide
his apple and sausage rolls, Lorraine will stock local organic cider in bottles,
tables will be borrowed from Methodist Church (confirm with Rachel W) and we
will require empty plastic bottles. A decision on the Marquee will be taken
nearer the time dependent on weather forecast

Lantern Procession It was agreed with Russ Boyack that a decision

about this would be taken once the Parish Council had decided their plans for
the Xmas tree.

Community Centre Recent meetings had been poorly attended and it

was requested by DM that anyone interested in joining committee should

contact him. DM will also investigate plans for fireworks this year


Luck Numbers We have one uncollected number, won by Dave

Armstrong. It was agreed that we would hold his winnings for 6 months and then
put the money back into the fund.

Galactic Knights John Pass has been in touch with the Galactic Knights

who are discussing attendance at next years CC. This is looking probable.

Next CC Meeting: Tuesday 20th Oct 2015, 7:30pm at The Greyhound.

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