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Disseration on The Games We Played

Daiyousei's longer hair fills me with joy!

Anonymous 2015/01/20(Tue)04:20 No. 21227 Replies: >>21497
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Looking through my old pics made me feel nostalgic about ye olde THP; but I can't say it
is a bad feeling. There are a lot of good memories here.
Anonymous 2015/01/22(Thu)02:55 No. 21232
File 142189532837.jpg - (389.03KB , 880x806 , rainydaysmakeforhappybrellas.jpg )

Rain, rain, come again

Anonymous 2015/01/27(Tue)07:16 No. 21254 Replies: >>21257 >>21259
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658e1a2547b74ec814b904820bc893d4[1].png ) [iqdb]

Citizens, joy is not productive.

Everyone is to report back to the vote mines. Immediately.
Anonymous 2015/01/27(Tue)10:38 No. 21257
The appearance of the yama has filled me with joy~

Anonymous 2015/01/28(Wed)02:57 No. 21259

Such fiercely crossed eyebrows do not belong in this joy thread.
Anonymous 2015/02/01(Sun)07:41 No. 21279
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There's always a reason to smile!

Anonymous 2015/02/08(Sun)07:17 No. 21302 Replies: >>21313 >>21315
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I'm going back to school, my story is almost done, I've started exercising and lost 14 kilos
in the past few months, I just ordered a new CPU for my PC, I've found a new hobby I
greatly enjoy recently, I've finally fixed my sleep schedule, and a game I love and thought
was long dead is being developed again.
Thus, I'm very happy. The only thing that would make me happier is if THP suddenly undeaded itself. How are you guys doing?
Anonymous 2015/02/11(Wed)05:49 No. 21313 Replies: >>21314
>a game I love and thought was long dead is being developed again.
Oh? What game would this be?
>How are you guys doing?
Eh, can't really complain. Played some vidya, watched a few movies, went out with family.
The usual, really.

Anonymous 2015/02/11(Wed)07:23 No. 21314

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Incursion, a roguelike. The original dev made it open source after he realized he wasn't
going to continue developing it.
Anonymous 2015/02/11(Wed)16:25 No. 21315 Replies: >>21317
I'm joyful that I just got back from a trip for a job interview out-of-town and job prospects
suddenly seem to be turning up on my doorstep again!
Though that comes with the downside of further distracting me from writing when I have a
long overdue update. If you're one of my (probably few) readers, I'm so, so sorry.
Anonymous 2015/02/11(Wed)20:41 No. 21317 Replies: >>21321 >>21368
>>21315 here. Just an update.
Anonymous 2015/02/13(Fri)02:51 No. 21321
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Anonymous 2015/03/01(Sun)11:30 No. 21368 Replies: >>21372
For shame.
Well, at least it is a job, right?
Anonymous 2015/03/04(Wed)18:09 No. 21372 Replies: >>21377
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>Trying to start something in the Joy Thread
Anonymous 2015/03/05(Thu)06:56 No. 21377 Replies: >>21431
I'm almost free from the clutches of video games, therefore I am joyful.
I'm an asshole, what else do you expect?
Anonymous 2015/04/09(Thu)22:08 No. 21431 Replies: >>21432
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Why not video games AND fanfiction?
Anonymous 2015/04/10(Fri)12:47 No. 21432 Replies: >>21433
How about Videogames ABOUT fanfiction?
On an unrelated note, Xenoverse is fun, but as a balanced as a one-sided see saw.
Anonymous 2015/04/11(Sat)04:42 No. 21433
Not surprising from an anime game. I guess it too sticks to "power levels" as opposed to
some attempt at balance seen in the original Budokai series.
Anonymous 2015/04/11(Sat)17:38 No. 21435 Replies: >>21436 >>21438
File 142877391696.jpg - (351.87KB , 850x1189 , sampleea65b5e07182e1815a99f8285d5dcf4d.jpg ) [iqdb]

Sukuna and Mokou confirmed for Urban Legend in Limbo:
About damn time the best immortal took the spotlight again. And an inchling is fine too.
Anonymous 2015/04/11(Sat)23:22 No. 21436 Replies: >>21437 >>21440
File 142879454277.png - (906.49KB , 800x1049 ,
8d6804a63b9a472d40bfaf93a2436bc3.png ) [iqdb]

How different it is from the previous fighting game. Because god damn that was a
That said I welcome our new inchlings (?) overlords
Anonymous 2015/04/12(Sun)14:04 No. 21437
Considering this is to HM what Hisouten was to SWR, the game will probably be the same
except for some minor tweaks, and the new Spell Card mechanic for the story mode.
Anonymous 2015/04/13(Mon)06:12 No. 21438 Replies: >>21440
goddamn Mokou could do with a sandwich
she's a goddamn twig
Anonymous 2015/04/13(Mon)19:42 No. 21440
This might be what SWR was to IaMP; a general refining of things. Something people
should understand about HM was that it was their first time with such a thing.
not sure if that's offical art but that's not too bad compared to what other artists have her as
twig wise.
Anonymous 2015/04/24(Fri)00:49 No. 21455 Replies: >>21456 >>21459 >>21473
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Reisen's gun has rabbit ears and it's a toy like ray gun, i love it, it's perfect.
Anonymous 2015/04/24(Fri)05:01 No. 21456
Anonymous 2015/04/24(Fri)16:32 No. 21458
Anonymous 2015/04/25(Sat)04:31 No. 21459
I think it's dumb, but I'm too happy with her return to care.
Anonymous 2015/04/26(Sun)14:11 No. 21460
I came back and The Kinu Yasumi Almanac for Outsiders updated. Joy~
P.S. Go vote.
Anonymous 2015/05/06(Wed)03:59 No. 21473
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>What if the gun was shaped like a bunny?
>Thatd be weird. And kinda freaky.
See Thrse, it took 5 years, but your wish is granted!
Anonymous 2015/05/11(Mon)18:50 No. 21483 Replies: >>21484
I just had a fantastic writing session. 700 words and 3500+ characters (with spaces) in just
1 hour of writing.
I dunno how much that is compared to other writers on here, but I sure as hell felt on fire.

And that made me very happy.

Until I had to stop, which made me sad.
Anonymous 2015/05/11(Mon)19:55 No. 21484 Replies: >>21512
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The fact that you're writing in the first place already puts you leagues above 95% of the
writers in this site. Including me. Which reminds me, as soon as I get over my sickness, I
must continue my own story.
Anonymous 2015/05/12(Tue)00:17 No. 21485
File 14313898234.jpg - (1.94MB , 1500x843 , Konachan_com - 112020 sample.jpg )

Active writers? In my THP? It's... actually pretty rare. Godspeed.

Anonymous 2015/05/12(Tue)02:57 No. 21489
I'm writing but I'm not writing Touhou.

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