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Test 1 (30/08/2015)

1. In the diagram, which letter represents the active site-directed

inhibitor present curve:
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
2. In the same diagram, which letter represents the non-active sitedirected inhibitor present curve:
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
3. What will happen to blood viscosity in these conditions: polycythemia,
leukemia, thrombocytopenia, leukocytosis, sickle cell disease and hematuria

4. Arrange the following in order of bond strength:

a. C H
b. Cl H
c. Cl C
d. F H
e. O---H
f. Na+(OH)
g. C C
5. Arrange according to solubility in water: Glucose, Galactose, Starch, Glycogen
6. Arrange the groups in order of electropositivity: Cl, O, C, F, N, I, NO2
7. Arrange according to acidity: H2SO4, HCl, CH3COOH, CH3COO-, NaOH, OH8. Arrange according to basicity: NH3, NaNH2, NO3, NaNO2, CH3COOH, CH3COO9. Why is baking soda different in basicity from sod. Hydroxide?
10.In questions 6, 7 and 8 classify if the compound or its products (eg: HCl give H
and Cl) are electrophiles or nucleophiles.
11.What is the relation between boiling point and bond strength. Why does
covalent bonding have no role in BP while H and Vanderwaals do?
12.Is glass a crystal?
13.What is reperfusion injury?

14.What is the type of enzyme interaction (if any) by the following drugs: (the
main MoA of each drug to be considered):
Rosuvastatin INHIBITION, Allopurinol INHIBITION , Seligiline INDUCTION,
Organophosphates INHIBITION, Phenelzine, Rivastigmine, Sitagliptin,
Tenofovir INHIBITION, Efavirenz INHIBITION, Methotrexate INHIBITION,
Trimethoprim INHIBITION, Vancomycin, Carbonmonoxide INHIBITION,
How will GERD and Chrons disease affect drug absorption? DECREASE
16.How will diphenoxylate, mosparide, misporostol, hyosciamine and codeine
affect absorption of other drugs?
17.Sketch what happens during and after ischemia in a cell.
18.What is aromaticity and resonance? Briefly state.
19.How does proteinuria affect distribution?
20.How does drug displacement work. Give 3-4 examples.
21.Where is the parathyroid located and what is the role of parathyroid hormone
in CKD?
22.What happens when body thyroglobulin levels fall due to lack of protein or
23.Name 2 enzymes involved with thyroid synthesis/regulation/etc.
24.Name 2 inhibitors/modifiers of each of these enzymes.
25.Give the significance of MCH, MCHC, RDW, Hct and PCV and diseases where
one of these values would be abnormal as compared to the rest.

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