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Tala Tabrizi

Professor Amber Ward

Art 133 pm (85420)
10 September 2015
Unit Paper 1
The reading I chose to focus on was Walkers introduction. Walker (2001) explains
artmaking and the big idea of artmaking from an educator perspective. This article explained a
few big ideas and main aspects that stood out to me were; the artmaking process, knowledge
based comprehensive approach, creating self expression approach, constructivist approach, and
the organization of the text. Walker (2001) in his text explains four big ideas being; power,
identity, nature, community, and conflict. To summarize, walker (2001) she spoke about many
big ideas in artmaking, and the different approaches which each developed something new in
artmaking, whether it was creativity, or teaching students at their educational level. In my
analysis to Walkers introduction, I was able to understand the different approaches that I had
never learned about in teaching students about art. One thing that really stuck out to me about
this Walker (2001) introduction is that I will take with me for my future in working with students
is that, there are many big ideas, and each student learns differently and it is not all about
memorizing the information, but its about expressing their ideas and digging deeper in their
artworks. I dont plan on teaching art to students but I will input my thoughts from walker about
the different perspectives and the ideas of being creative, and digging deeper with their life in
general. I enjoyed this introduction from Walker and will integrate some of my own big ideas.
Walker, S. (2001). Teaching meaning in artmaking. Worchester, MA: Davis.

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