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Inferno Breath:

Level: 1.
The mage breathes fire. 1d6 damage per level, up to 6d6. Flammable
enemies (flammability is left to the GM's discretion) will catch on fire on a 1 or
2 on the damage dice, burning for 1d6 damage per round. When a 5-6 is
rolled for damage, the fire has burnt out. Fire is frightening to many enemies,
including animals and creatures of low intelligence. A creature being set on
fire would likely need to check morale.
This breath can be tuned and shaped through tongue and lip movements.
Initially it can only be breathed at a single 5' square, each additional die of
damage allows an additional adjacent 5' square to be enflamed. In order to
reach farther than 5', the flame must be concentrated, as it naturally burns
weaker farther from the source. Thus, a third level caster can deal 2d6 to one
adjacent square, then 1d6 to a square beyond that. At sixth level, a distance
of 15' can be reached, by dealing 3d6, then 2d6, then 1d6.

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